
joined 1 year ago
[–] TheRedSpade 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The launcher wasn't cracked. It's a cross-platform open source launcher that works quite well under linux. The game itself was cracked, meaning they were trying to play without having purchased it.

[–] TheRedSpade 1 points 3 weeks ago

As someone whose work week starts on Thursday, I second that.

[–] TheRedSpade 4 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

If he's allowed to take office again, he'll be king, not president.

[–] TheRedSpade 66 points 1 month ago

Grab 'em by the kernel.

[–] TheRedSpade 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

This is only true if you're still using a 32 bit cpu, which almost nobody is. 64 bit cpus can use up to 16 million TB of RAM.

[–] TheRedSpade 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Including the two right feet as hands?

[–] TheRedSpade 3 points 1 month ago

Until you get to the last book. Then they're self-replicating.

[–] TheRedSpade 3 points 1 month ago

100 duck sized t. rexes, and it's not even close. Grab a couple of the little bastards by the neck and start swinging until they're all dead. The big boy would crush you with one bite. This also applies to the question that yours was likely inspired by.

[–] TheRedSpade 25 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Ah, you're from the US too.

[–] TheRedSpade 24 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Installing software on Linux almost never involves "copying and running random bits of code" unless you have a need for some really obscure program. Learn how to use your distribution's package manager.

[–] TheRedSpade 5 points 1 month ago

I made a closely related comment just a few days ago. Odd that it came up again so soon.

[–] TheRedSpade 4 points 1 month ago

From staring to walking


After putting off getting more chromatic iron thinking I'd find plenty more in the vaults, I finally went mining the other day so that I could get going with create. I was a bit disappointed (but not surprised) to find that minecart assemblers were removed from VH, but I managed to get this thing working after playing with it a bit (hadn't messed with gantries previously).

Before I fill the rest of the farm, are there any other crops that I could farm with this contraption with little to no modification that would be useful? I'm mainly thinking of altar recipes, but other uses would be good too.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheRedSpade to c/moddedmc

cross-posted from:

I'm trying to get a fission reactor up and running, but one of the final chemicals (uranium oxide) won't transfer to the last chemical infuser. It worked long enough to get about 20 buckets of fissile fuel into a chemical tank, but that may just be because I was manually inserting to empty the tank after setting up filters. As seen in the images, the hydrofluoric acid is making its way into the same infuser.

All controllers in the network are full of power as well as all machines connected to it.

Edit: For some reason, moving the uranium oxide to its own channel both locally at the destination and on the routing network got it working despite the destination still having 2 channels routed to FinalChems.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheRedSpade to c/[email protected]

I'm trying to get a fission reactor up and running, but one of the final chemicals (uranium oxide) won't transfer to the last chemical infuser. It worked long enough to get about 20 buckets of fissile fuel into a chemical tank, but that may just be because I was manually inserting to empty the tank after setting up filters. As seen in the images, the hydrofluoric acid is making its way into the same infuser.

All controllers in the network are full of power as well as all machines connected to it.

Edit: For some reason, moving the uranium oxide to its own channel both locally at the destination and on the routing network got it working despite the destination still having 2 channels routed to FinalChems.


cross-posted from:

I made this album in response to someone in MineTogether asking how to automate washing. I figured there's a chance it could help someone else too.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by TheRedSpade to c/[email protected]

I made this album in response to someone in MineTogether asking how to automate washing. I figured there's a chance it could help someone else too.

submitted 11 months ago by TheRedSpade to c/moddedmc

Does the "signal" from the spatial anchor propagate through quartz fiber and p2p tunnels, or does another need to be added to each subnet (and p2p network) that goes into chunks where the main network has no cables?

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