Same, except my company (of which I'm the sole employee) has a long term contract where I'm very comfortable so I'm paid pretty much the same every month. I've also got a few companies that I'll do a bit of off consulting work for when they need it. That's usually good for extra spending money at the end of the fiscal year if they have extra to spend and want to reinvest in their technology. I just got a couple of those invoices paid so Christmas is looking nice.
But, like you, I'm taking off a few weeks in the spring. I get paid nothing for that or sick days.
I still do and prefer it. I also go to bars by myself on and off. A buddy of mine would decline going to lunch with anyone else so he could go decompress. About once a week he'd come back bitching because someone would go into an empty restaurant and sit as close to him as possible.
My favorite story of his complaining (rightfully so in my opinion) is where he went to a restaurant with benches around the perimeter and sat in the corner far from the only other customer there. He hadn't been there two minutes before some woman came and sat on the bench seat closest to him and started asking him about the book he was reading and generally making small talk. He got so pissed that he ate in his truck for weeks instead of sitting down in a restaurant.
I think she was badly trying to flirt and didn't have the situational awareness to understand that he was trying to get away. He thinks she didn't want to look like she was eating alone and didn't care that she was intruding on a stranger.