Nice, tenth of the previous asking price! Removed the ads immediately
C'mon Ginny, you aren't fooling anybody the jig is up
You heard it here folks, no kissing no holding hands on the street. No not even you straighties, keep it in your home!
Sexual preferences stupid
How dare we hate an unrepentent bigot!
I'm pretty sure if we didn't have nuclear weapons at all generally, we'd be in a world war right now or a continent wide war at the very least so in that sense so far they have functioned as a deterrent. Whether that's any consolation for Ukranians is doubtful
I love that there's a right number for cops to text swastikas. What a timeline
Historically accurate Jesus no less
It's like a dot matrix printer for the sky
if you're reliant on a grain crop that you cant even grow yourself, you've never had food security.
I guess I'll die
If you count back the Reddit versions this is the 3rd or 4th version. Keeps getting better and better.
No no you don't understand. It's work from home but work IS the home! You see it makes perfect sense.
Thanks a lot lj, more than reasonable a price for an amazing app