
joined 1 year ago
[–] Nunar 71 points 1 week ago (6 children)

It just confirms that conservatives are only afraid of everything. It was race, it was gays, it's now trans. Their entire platform is fear of everything. I saw a guy with a bumper sticker that said "Fuck Biden" and I assumed he was a scared little boy.

[–] Nunar -5 points 2 weeks ago

Don't bother replying. I'm blocking you and I'm championing what a horrendous piece of shit you are. You have demonstrated the entire issue I brought up. Thank you for the record. Dumbass.

[–] Nunar -5 points 2 weeks ago

I really hope other see this.

[–] Nunar -3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You don't have kids or don't interact with people. You're also a giant part of the problem.

[–] Nunar -5 points 2 weeks ago

This is the worst part about Apple. I support apple at my work but it gets harder and harder to hear my daughters talk about the bullying on text groups.

WTF is wrong with Apple?

Solar Eclipse (
submitted 8 months ago by Nunar to c/pics

The solar eclipse through solar glasses in the US

Solar eclipse (
submitted 8 months ago by Nunar to c/mildlyinteresting

The solar eclipse through eclipse glasses

submitted 8 months ago by Nunar to c/general

Rabbit just wants to be seen


A video describing how all pro-Russian arguments are nonsense.

submitted 10 months ago by Nunar to c/cat

Almost 4 weeks old


What would be the best thing to do to help keep up? Donate? Servers? What is the best way to help?


Interesting legal take on the worst Disney movie!

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