this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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Just got a darknet alert that once again OPM info was leaked...

all 9 comments
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[–] [email protected] 81 points 1 week ago (1 children)

ah yes indeed,what could go wrong with giving a group of people unlimited access to all voters in the US?

[–] Diplomjodler3 50 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Especially if it's bunch of kids hand-picked by a known lunatic to implement his loony schemes. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Musk’s team of youngsters, as first reported by WIRED on Sunday, is Akash Bobba, 21, a student at the University of California, Berkeley; Edward Coristine, 19, a student at Northeastern University in Boston; and Ethan Shaotran, 22, who said in September he was a senior at Harvard.

The ones who actually have degrees, or at least have left college, are: Luke Farritor, 23, who attended the University of Nebraska without graduating; Gautier Cole Killian, a 24-year-old who attended McGill University; and Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old who attended Berkeley;

[–] Diplomjodler3 21 points 1 week ago

But of course those were all chosen on account of talent and not for loyalty to the Führer.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 1 week ago

Was completely confused hearing the term "doge", so for non americans such as I:

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), officially the U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization, is a temporary organization under the United States DOGE Service, formerly known as the United States Digital Service. Despite the name, DOGE is not a budgeted part of United States government, which requires approval of the United States Congress.

This is what happens when you give a man child power, wtf

[–] jacksilver 15 points 1 week ago

Downvoting this as the article has no mentions about leaks.

While I absolutely agree this is a huge issue for privacy, let's make sure we're keeping the facts straight.

[–] Pieisawesome 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I don’t like musk or what he is doing, but I don’t see any mention of OPM data being leaked?

I did an, admittedly brief, search and couldn’t find anything saying the data HAD been leaked.

Is there potential? Yes

Is this a bad practice? Definitely.

Would I hire any engineer who thought changing prod of a complex system on their second week was a good idea? Fuck no, it’s stupid.

But let’s not make up fake news.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Maybe the normies will start realizing we got a class war on our hands and privacy is key battle ground?