He'll zuck em
It's not like a crazy recipe that needs balanced flavors to be done right.
We're talking British cuisine here
I remember reading some Reddit comments about certain camera functions no longer working. I bought the pixel for the camera and I don't want to break that functionality.
Disclaimer: I've never really looked into different OS's and what they do/don't do
Yeah I did that with an old Motorola, it went for years. Now I have a pixel and it seems to come with a lot of features that break when installing an alternative OS
Well, I was mostly concerned about google knowing where I'm shopping. I know using google pay is lazy buy I'm not perfect...
Does NFC still work? (I know that low key defeats the purpose of a privacy oriented android build but yeah)
Holy fuck that was TWO YEARS AGO!?
As opposed to other years when they were looking great
Whole thing lasts no more than 15-20 minutes. I took it easy for a few days but otherwise no issues. Was riding my bike and all that about five days after.
The only uncomfortable bit is when they put the anaesthetic... there's no easy way of saying this, but they have to stick the needle in both of the sperm ducts. That's a little uncomfortable but it lasts no more than 5 seconds per nut. From there on out no issues. You feel some stuff moving around down there, but no pain.
I had the scalpel free method, fwiw.
My clinic sent me this video to prep. It's quite useful. https://youtu.be/gzpYhe8QBsA
Now it just smells like vape
I am grateful for how NZ handled it. I'm mostly critiquing the very end of the pandemic when the government started going against ministry advice. I appreciate how lucky we were. I don't know anyone who died from covid.
I moved to NZ with a backpack and 2000 dollars in my name. Seven years now, I have been permanent resident for a while