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[โ€“] NielsBohron 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

This should absolutely be an album cover for a black metal or trad doom band

Edit: in fact, the branches are practically a black metal band logo already

[โ€“] NielsBohron 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

if I only had the ~~nerve~~ noive


[โ€“] NielsBohron 18 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

It's actually not (just) the acidity. Pineapples and several other tropical fruits have an enzyme called papain that breaks down peptide bonds in a rather unique way, to the point that the texture of the meat can become quite off-putting if the enzyme is not used properly

Edit: acidic or not, it's definitely best not to put any sensitive parts of your anatomy in pineapple juice

[โ€“] NielsBohron 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I believe that's a cantaloupe.

[โ€“] NielsBohron 2 points 1 week ago

I think they do better at different things. I think DC does better at graphic novels and self-contained stories, but Marvel does better at ongoing stories and handling continuity (or handwaving it away).

[โ€“] NielsBohron 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

If you haven't read it yet, Invincible is great.

Lemire and Ellis's runs in Moon Knight are amazing.

You also might really like Black Hammer, which is like a deconstruction/reimagining of the Silver Age Justice League (I think it's Dark Horse, but it might be Vertigo). In general, I tend to like more high brow/pretentious stuff and the art, the characters, and the plot are all spectacular.

Edit: plus Hellboy, obviously. Mignola's art and love for pulpy, over-the-top monsters and plots are just phenomenal, IMHO. Nothing like Lovecraftian horrors and world-shattering battles to make for great comics

Edit 2: you mentioned Silver Surfer, so I'm also assuming you've already read Hickman's run on Fantastic Four and FF. If not, start there. It's one of my favorite Marvel runs of all time

[โ€“] NielsBohron 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Neither. All the best stuff is creator-owned these days, if you ask me. Image and Dark Horse are the biggest and best "third party candidates," but Boom and Dynamite have some good stuff, too.

Honestly, find an author that you like and follow them, not the characters. Mignola, Lemire, Hickman, Faction or Gillen can write absolutely anything and make it compelling, and there are a ton of other interesting, unique authors out there these days.

If you want specific series or arcs, HMU with a few examples of what you like and I'm sure I can throw out a few suggestions (and if I can't, someone else can)

[โ€“] NielsBohron 6 points 1 week ago

Thanks! I knew I recognized the guy and the quote, but I couldn't place it until you gave me the Banksy quote. Thierry is a real piece of work.

[โ€“] NielsBohron 4 points 1 week ago

On a Saturday morning, no less.

[โ€“] NielsBohron 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Anyone who's ever abused ketamine or DXM knows that dissociating from reality is relaxing.

After all, have you seen reality lately?

[โ€“] NielsBohron 2 points 2 weeks ago

It's not groundbreaking, but it's pretty fun and very well done.

I've never find a band this new with so few listeners though (at least one that sounds this good), so for it to just show up on my Spotify feed feels a little astroturfed, but I'll reserve judgement since their songs are pretty good

[โ€“] NielsBohron 10 points 2 weeks ago

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas movies. Just not that one. Any movie that paints a healthy level of skepticism as a negative has got some issues in my book.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NielsBohron to c/connectasong

From one song about heroin use to another. Also, Neil Young is often described as "The Godfather of Grunge," and Alice in Chains is one of the quintessential Seattle grunge bands.


Dario from the previous post reminded me of Eddie Izzard's look from this scene of Across the Universe


Another song about a Trans Am (and taking chances)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NielsBohron to c/connectasong

Just as the previous post mentioned, stoner/doom songs are perfect for driving

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NielsBohron to c/connectasong

Dr Dre is one of the producers and members of NWA, and he went on to mentor a young rapper from Compton named Kendrick Lamar.

Also, both songs are heavily critical of the disproportionate policing of Black neighborhoods and have been used as protest songs by the Black Lives Matter movement


Like Ween, the White Stripes is a rock duo where both members of the duo share the same surname (on stage)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NielsBohron to c/connectasong

This song also incorporates scenes from a Japanese animated sci-fi series, and the video is also from the 90's (and it's now stuck in my head for the foreseeable future)

3, 2, 1, let's go...for a rewatch


Jane, Jane, Jane...Everything's always about Jane!


The thumbnail of the previous post and the name of the song both heavily reminded me of Surrealistic Pillow, the Jefferson Airplane album that has "White Rabbit."


Like the previous group, Calexico is heavily influenced by the American Southwest.


Not a direct connection, but Iron Reagan's sound heavily reminded me of the Cancer Bats, so I linked one of my favorite covers of all time (complete with a great homage music video)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by NielsBohron to c/connectasong

La Roux - In For the Kill -> The Kills - Fuck the People

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