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[–] NarrativeBear 87 points 2 months ago

This just in, people with money have more to spend.

[–] NarrativeBear 1 points 2 months ago

But how else will ticketmaster get a cut each time the ticket is resold. Also on a resale of a ticket through ticketmaster the tax is applied once again. And the more expensive the resale ticket is, the higher the cut ticketmaster gets.

Transfers between family don't get taxed as they are not "sold".

Seems like governments won't do anything because each resale gives tax revenue.

Kind of like that time Canada was trying to figure out how to tax private second hand sales on platforms like facebook marketplace and kijiji to name a few.

[–] NarrativeBear 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Its going to be interesting when this starts happening in North American, and in some places it may have already started.

Drought, wild fires, extreme heat, rise in ocean levels. Places like NYC, California, Florida may start becoming harder to live in. Canada may get colder and more extreme in temperature swings.

Places closer to or alongside the equator may become more ideal to live. That wall between the US and Mexico border might get in the way.

[–] NarrativeBear 44 points 2 months ago (2 children)

But, but I though undocumented immigrants were lazy?! How can they both be lazy and take all the jobs?!

[–] NarrativeBear 11 points 2 months ago

You seem to be thinking small scale, the concept is decentralised electrical generation nation wide.

Not centralised energy generation such as a single solar plant, a single wind turbine field, a single coal plant, a single nuclear plant.

To cluster bomb a single PV plant (in one attack) would be "easy", just as easy as a single coal plant.

To carpet bomb a whole nation (in one attack) with PV panels on every home, building, school, sports centre, field, farm would be logistically challenging.

[–] NarrativeBear 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

In agree there are always those few in a community that feel the need to fight everything, even it may be in their best interest and the best interest of the community as a whole.

Anecdotally, I used to live in a rural suburban neighbourhood, the type where homes have large yards between them. There was a proposal to finally put in sidewalks along the residential streets in front of the homes, by narrowing the street a little. This would allows children to walk safely to the new school built, and allow people in the neighbourhood to go on walks, or walk their dogs safely.

Anyways, the amount of push back from some residents saying it will ruin the character of the neighbourhood, or that it would remove vital street parking, or shrink their driveways.

The neighbourhood street was about 4.5 cars wide.

In the end the sidewalks got put in after someone (that did not live in the area), ran over a residents dog along the street.

[–] NarrativeBear 24 points 2 months ago

Become an American patriot, secure our borders with decentralised power generation, on your roof, on your own terms!

[–] NarrativeBear 19 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Exactly!! Though I don't understand why so many country's and civilians are opposed to clean decentralised power generation such as solar, wind, thermal.

The fact that you get to generate your own "free" power, and its less likely to fail in times of natural disaster.

Its essentially "freedom" & "sticking it to the man" in one clean package. Its not what the media or propaganda calls "the green agenda".

The fact that it also has applications in better national security is a win win.

Decentralised power generation makes you a american patriot! No a green hippy.

[–] NarrativeBear 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

500 to 600 hours divided by 365 would only come out to a 1hr or 2hr a day.

1.5hrs a day x 365days = 547.5hrs

Though a good chunk of that time would be in the physical setup of the lights over a weekend or week.

Most of us commute 2hr or more a day in total. (1hr in and 1hr out of work). Just let that one sink in for a while.

[–] NarrativeBear 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

And this is why north american suburban neighbours in how they are designed suck IMO. You need a car to get around, even just to go get milk.

Suburban neighboorhoods should really be designed like communities with mixed density housing, small shops that you can walk to, pedestrians and cyclists trails that connect two points quicker in a shorter distance then by car. Mixed zonning for offices and businesses and nothing over 6 stories.

Designing suburbs like this would allow the density required for a tram line and mixed transportation modes. It would also potentially solve suburban sprawl that then compounds the "car is king" problem.

Everything mentioned above is possible, but requires people to accept a level of change.

Think how Amsterdam as a whole transformed its self starting in the 1970-1980 from a gridlocked "car is king" mentality to pedestrian and livability first approach.

[–] NarrativeBear 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Once a hobby turns into a full time job it looses its meaning. Plus being hired means you are no longer your own boss.

Also, we seem to forget cities always cut budgets for things. It used to be the city may have decorated its streets with lights or setup decorations in public plazas. A city may have also had it's own light show that diminised in quality year after year, now a distant memory due to skyrocketing costs.

There may have been public fireworks show or a puplic skate rink. All those things usually are the first to go in a effort to save cash when city funded.

This man was doing a economic service to his town in terms of tourism on his own dime. The city shot it self in the foot here, then they tried to have their cake and eat it too asking him to pay for pirmits

[–] NarrativeBear 5 points 2 months ago

I enjoy a drink or two each month, but I am not going shed a tear about a corporation not seeing exponential growth/profits year after year.

The whole business model of "sustained growth" is flawed IMO. We need better metrics


The bridge had just gone through extensive renovations and updates with construction finished late summer of 2023.


A cyclist's new hobby of cleaning street signs has already taken him as far afield as Belgium.

John Edwards, from Shrewsbury, took up the hobby after spotting a video of a man improving signs during lockdown.

Since then he has posted clips of his cleaning around the county, and has even been tidying up the signs in Belgium after watching a cyclist race.

Mr Edwards said he was delighted to clean the signs and the response from the public was "gangbusters".


The largest gold heist in Canadian history was carried out with remarkable ease: A fraudulent shipping document for a load of farm-raised Scottish salmon was used to brazenly snatch $14.5 million in gold bars and nearly $2 million in bank notes


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


Check out the full list of what staples accepts now part of their expanded recycling programs.

More companies should start to follow staples lead and offer return points for packaging and products that reach their end of life.


Ontario is in the process of shifting the cost burden of trash away from municipalities and onto companies that make and sell products that generate waste. 

With this shift — called "extended producer responsibility" — industry now bears the full costs of recycling or recovering such items as tires, batteries, light bulbs and electronics. 

Under the system, companies pay fees, based on the amount of waste material they create, to businesses that manage recycling programs, known as producer responsibility organizations (PROs). 

It's up to the companies to choose whether to pass those fees on to consumers or to absorb them as a cost of doing business. The theory is that the fees provide the companies with an incentive to reduce their packaging and other waste.

For material that fills up blue boxes — including beverage containers, paper, plastic, glass and metal — the transition to industry paying the full costs only began last year and is to be completed by 2026.

Right now, companies are seeing their blue box fees shoot upward exponentially. 

The government is facing corporate pressure to change Ontario's plan that sees industry taking on the full cost of blue box recycling programs.

The industry is "trying to shirk its environmental responsibilities,"

"If producers are not paying for this packaging, it's going to be taxpayers, it's going to be the environment or it's going to be human health, and that would be a massive step backwards," Wallis said in an interview.  


The GTA has been showing signs of the urban ills that are commonly associated with city life south the border.

Downtown infrastructure has been deteriorating, as have cleanliness and order, which were once the city’s strong suits.

In Ontario, growth has shifted to lower-cost places like Kitchener-Waterloo (110 kilometres from downtown Toronto), as well as Guelph (95 km), Peterborough (140 km) and London (195 km). Even long declining areas, like the Maritimes, have been gaining population in recent years.

Clearly a new approach is merited. Leaders in Toronto have to accept dispersion and find the city’s niche within a wider range of settlements. Downtowns themselves, as Calgary’s urban leadership now suggests, will have to morph from primarily business centres to places more oriented to housing, academic and cultural activities.

To be sure, swank high-rise projects may appeal to the wealthy and the childless. But the urban future lies in places that are walkable but not hyper-dense and can attract middle-income families.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by NarrativeBear to c/[email protected]

Join the petition to ask the Canadian government to adopt Standard Time all year round.

"Changing clocks twice a year is hazardous to your health.  There are many studies showing that changing the clock and staying on Daylight Saving Time negatively impacts our circadian rhythm, causes increases in strokes and heart attacks, impacts people with depression and seasonal affective disorder and causes more car accidents. 

I ask the Canadian Government to finally stop Daylight Saving Time and enact Permanent Standard Time. Even if one person is saved from having a stroke or heart attack or is saved from a car accident, it's worth it.  Support the health and safety of Canadians and set an example for the rest of the world.  

Follow the scientific research. Do the right thing and not just the easy and uninformed thing.  Don’t change the clocks. Leave them on Standard Time year round. Do not spring forward."


I have been having a hard time finding sata power connectors, specifically ones that have the caps. Molex seems to have discontinued the caps for the following product number 0679260002.

Here is a link to one site with the connector, but caps are impossible to source for this.

I have also been looking for Corsair style sata power connectors (type 4), but have had no luck finding if they sell these.

[email protected]

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