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submitted 1 day ago by MacedWindow to c/wizards
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[โ€“] MacedWindow 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I'm interested in both!

[โ€“] MacedWindow 2 points 3 days ago

Hype chapter!! I think with the giant getting a few more words out we are definitely going to hear the end of the message!

Bonnie's power is incredible, the elders don't seem happy to see this incredible display of freedom.

Excited for next week!!


I've somehow avoided experiencing any of Shakespeare's work outside of Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Romeo and Juliet. I prefer to see plays acted out rather then just reading them so I'm looking for the best film versions of his work to experience.

My personal favorite is Franco Zeffirelli's Hamlet, I watch it all the time and absolutely love it. I love how accurate it is to the play, as well as the costuming and set design feeling so real mixed with the gravitas and drama of the play.

Please share your favorites and tell me a little about why?

[โ€“] MacedWindow 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Seems like a bad graph? It feels like there is an obvious sudden upward trend sometime before 2000, the most important trend on the graph, and you cant tell what year it starts! Could be 80's could be 90's. Idk maybe I'm missing something or lacking some graph display info.

[โ€“] MacedWindow 5 points 6 days ago

Does anyone have a link to the caramel ice cream video?

[โ€“] MacedWindow 1 points 6 days ago

Cake looks like it's covered in oil


Current decklist:

My SO's bday is at the end of July and they've asked me to build them a deck. Most of their deck's are pretty high power so they requested something silly and different. I've gone over the commander/idea of the deck with them and they love it so now I'm just trying to touch it up before I order cards. With all of that out of the way here is the basic idea of the deck.

The deck is looking to give its opponents as many creatures as it possibly can. To this end it runs many creatures that give opponents tokens like [[Varchild's War-riders]] , [[Hunted Phantasm]] , and [[Ox Drover]] as well as ways to flicker them to recur those effects. It also runs cards like [[Alliance of Arms]] that can produce a ton of tokens quickly.

The next thing that the deck wants to do is pillow fort to not die at the hands of what it created. [[Pramikon, Sky Rampart]] is here to help with this, and the decks flickers make sure the direction can be switched to not ruin the game for one player. The deck also runs [[Propoganda]] , [[Windborn Muse]] , [[Ghostly Prison]] and similar cards to protect itself.

The deck makes tokens itself and can win with [[dragonshift]] when the opponents are beaten down enough. [[Storm Herd]] is in as another late game finisher. It can also win pillow-fort stlye with [[Azor's Elocutors]].

I'm trying hard to make sure the deck stays fun to play against. We play with the same pod every week and I don't want to give my SO a deck everyone hates. As long as the deck doesn't shut down the game completely I know it will be popular, the guys are very into goofy/unique ideas.

I'm not the greatest deck builder so I'm looking for feedback on the balance of different cards ie lands/creatures/draw/pillow-fort. I'm also looking for any cards that would be fun and fit the deck that I've missed. I'm trying to keep the budget around $100.

Thanks for reading!!

[โ€“] MacedWindow 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[โ€“] MacedWindow 4 points 1 week ago
[โ€“] MacedWindow 3 points 1 week ago

Red robes > Blue robes

[โ€“] MacedWindow 3 points 1 week ago

Thank you! Had no idea this existed. Just downloaded and donated so you just helped the dev!

[โ€“] MacedWindow 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What software is that? Sounds nice.

[โ€“] MacedWindow 11 points 1 week ago

I always check people's comment history before I block, to see if they are always a jerk or if they're just having a bad day.

[โ€“] MacedWindow 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wonderful motion in this. I love how the swirling flames carry your eyes around the piece while the stoic figure holds them still.

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