that same mindset justifies inaction in themselves
or there’s some people being actively, intentionally discouraging
Agree. It's impossible to discern intent imo, but it is super wild how many people think this way, to the point where I actually think they should be considered a different political movement (or lack of movement).
These politics at their core are fundamentally different than my own, even if they claim similar morals or stances. I believe that not using your rights is functionally the same as not having those rights, and people should automatically always enforce their rights by default. And I can even respect people denying themselves something like their right to remain silent to prove by challenge the existence of other rights, eg right to free speech or protest.
And to be fair, this other person DID offer a solution about impeaching state congressmen, which tbh I hadn't pursued yet but will be discussing with a quickness since we are definitely at that stage. It will take research though because every state is different and has different reps ofc.
I'm not going to list everything I am helping to organize because this is open for rightwingers to see and Nazis used to lurk my account and have sent me death threats, edpecially worse since the election (which is why I changed from being a Dominatrix advertising account which had my nudes on it, to a political account trying to give people news and information). This account alone has HOURS of labor by me, and I have 2 other accounts on other platforms that I extensively use as well to try to combat the massive online psyops.
And that's the thing - we all have different talents. Just like in TF2 or WoW or a million other games, we need a Tank, Healer, DPS, right? Don't yell at the healer for not doing DPS, don't yell at the DPS for not healing, etc, and instead celebrate and help people improve on their strengths to network and build community. A petition is a small act, I understand, but it counts and there are people who maybe have never done ANY political act, who will start with the small ones. Everything good is good. Progress is progress.
No true scotsman fallacy for women's sexuality? Lol.
Yes, sex clubs enforce rules regarding consent as best as they can, so someone like you who isn't used to clear communication could benefit from going and speaking with someone and understanding what that's like. It could tell you more about yourself.
I will say that most of the same people who play DND, go to Comic Con, Renn Faires, are at sex clubs. They even have DND nights at some sex clubs. DND also gives people an ability to understand consent including with what we discuss, and to be able to have meta discussions and step outside of our egos.
No, that's just you and some younger and inexperienced men. Women are just people. People are people.
You're gay. That's not the fault of women.
Yes, they do. They just don't tell you because you give off unsafe vibes. They literally don't trust you so they pretend to not have opinions en masse. Reflect on that.
Some inexperienced sex partners may not know what physical acts they like, but they can generally describe porn or other fantasies they like as a starting point if they trust you.
Yes, if being pressed by another person arbitrarily to make a decision, many people retain their power by refusing to give you an answer. This annoys you so you try to triangulate them with men's behavior. It's not that they can't make a decision, it's that they are checking your sense of entitlement in demanding one from them in the first place. Why do you get to police women's decisions? It's simply that you extend patience to men and don't rush them, or otherwise you'd be getting these power struggles with them too. You like men. Be honest about it.
The more you say men are victims compared to women, the harder I beat my male subs while laughing maniacally and they thank me. Your opinions on women are wrong. Abortion laws alone, the laws that will make it so married women can't vote because they had a name change, the laws affecting transwomen, all show we don't have it easier.
This is an example of being a bad communicator and also being unaware of your boundaries (emotionally or physically unaware and uneducated).
You spend a lot of time assuming you know what women think for someone claiming he's a man. Are you sure you consider yourself a man? This is all heavy pickme energy, a self hating woman, and it's just wrong. Like watch Sex and the City or like Sarah Silverman or Sex Lives of College Girls or whatever. There's a million examples counteracting what you're saying. So why rabidly stick to this weird, rigid narrative?
No. They don't think that.
It isn't
Women disproportionately are in fields with child rearing, nursing, veterinary work, cleaning, and cooking - very dirty jobs that are necessary. That you dismiss women's labor as nothing is misogyny.
Also, we ALL are keeping ourselves happy because anything else is codependency and we are mature adults who take care of our own feelings. You're not entitled to the emotional labor of women. Get a fucking hobby like DND, go to a nerd shop, make friends in your community.