I built a spreadsheet for a client that sorts their email into threads and then segments various conversations into a different view based on shipment numbers mentioned in the conversations. But it's a lot of work to get something like this set up. Am thinking of going into consulting/implementation.
I just quit yesterday with nothing else lined up. Gonna take a WHOLE MONTH for healing (isn't it ridiculous how ridiculous that feels?) and then figure out my next move. I wanna build an app or something.
We vote.
Oh so he only has two billion? Well, we're basically equals then. I wonder how he takes his avocado toast....
I have a fantastic idea - shut the fuck down and go back to your weird echo chambers on reddit etc.
Incredibly pro trump to the point of starting The Donald style communities and posting old school cool style photos of the weirdo pedo.
Normally I welcome people with different opinions, but I truly believe that people still following Trump are absolutely in the wrong. He is a foul, broken, weird human, and his goals are to fuck up all of our lives (yes, yours too) so that he and a dozen others can have money and power. This is as clear, proven, and obvious as it is reading the history books about prior dictators, so I have zero sympathy or respect for seemingly intelligent people who still support him.
So uh, welcome I guess, you do you, but I don't think we are gonna be your crowd.
Be careful getting second hand, make sure to do lead tests of anything you buy before you use it for food.
I'm indifferent, especially if I get money to distract me from it.
That's why passive was in quotes.
Did you write this?? As someone who feels the grip, this really speaks to me.