I’m not correcting that typo.
We clap the slate to make sure the sound is in cynic with the picture. It’s more of a tradition now that we have time code.
Yep. If you don’t show me what I want without jumping through hoops. I’m gone.
They call it multi-community
I’m actually using Arctic. To me, it has all the features I liked, including community grouping. But yes, I still mill Apollo, I miss the Reddit communities in a good app. I may also just be nostalgia.
The zoom reset out is annoying. I just make a map, then immediately zoom it out to my liking before exploring.
I’m just teasing. This is an awesome hobby to have.
That’s all you got? I have a drawer full of those from Attiny85 to pi 4 and rp2040. They’re fun and useful.
I use the RP2030 with touch version and love it. This one doesn’t have touch (and the board shape matched the RP2030 non-touch one.
Really 50/50. I love the collection and making them work, he loves playing the games. My wife is looking forward to DDR
I thought space rockets had to wait for. Ight to go into space. If they took off during the day whey would just go into the blue sky like planes do.