Must've been a long time ago, since hardly anyone seems to remember...
Shit, I have an inactive wow account with a character who got server first sulfuras before achievements existed in the game. How much do you think it could go for?
I hope you're right but I fear you underestimate his reach.
Should be shiny smile with all that gold poured down his throat.
Sweet, inhaling deeply means ~20 free cigarettes' worth of, well, whatever gunk it may be. Cheap alternative though.
Oblivion's start was so much more memorable than Skyrim's. Getting taught the basics by escaping prison and then immediately being served the full open world after that was magnificent.
Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence. That being said, his personality is absolutely of the type I can see do this. Total narcissist, the entire world is in service of their whims, etc.
And it was still an upgrade.
Classic switcheroo. 8/8.
I feel like Smith at least tried while he had his hands tied by the people who were supposed to make his job easier. History will not be kind to any of them though, circumstances be damned. I hope at least some of them have to live with the consequences of their own actions, but I feel very sorry indeed for the millions who had no hand in the decision.
It's tragedy of the commons on a supermassive scale. No one comes out on top in the end, the overprivileged just take a little longer to die. But die they will.
NWO has always just been a buzzword for corptocracy, even when Bush sr. first used the term.