
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Hey, that's like every other work, and people still get paid for their shit output in other fields.

There's no reason for any of us to compete to survive. Especially when the metric that determines whether one succeeds in competing is just how much money some rich fuck makes off of your efforts.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

carve out Wizards as a community

I don't know where the idea that WotC is worth saving keeps coming from. These are the MTG people. It's a shock that monsters, NPCs, items, and feats aren't purchased via booster pack.

D&D isn't a game, nor is it a community. It's just a brand. We can let it go.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

He's in the opening bumper of every episode of seasons 3 and 4.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Excited to have backed. Congratulations on a successful Kickstarter!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

I'll be honest: I have very little patience for "you can homebrew this game that does't do what you want, so you should never play something else" folks; it is probably the thing I hate most about 5e stans. This is the equivalant of telling someone not to give up on a show they don't like because "you can always write fan fiction!"

Why should I recreate the game when I just spent $150 on it? Isn't that what I just paid for? For people who actually know game design to supply me with a game that meets my needs? Instead of someome who doesn't know game design and also paid for the experience?

There are so many games out there that could do what people want, but everyone's way too invested in WotC maintaining a monopoly on people's tables.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The point of 5e is to sell as many books as possible with nothing in them while convincing the customer that they're game designers.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I mean, they are religious defenders. Knights Templar and all that. That's the core concept and fantasy they're aiming for.

Guardian Sorcerer or Guardian Oracle or something probably fits other concepts better.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

There's no way it's not a pricing error. Likely supposed to be $80.

I wonder if they'll notice and cancel orders

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

The term that's causing my alarm bells to ring here is "Canadian interests". The interests of the state often do not align with the interests of the people, and it's not terribly difficult to tie behaviour that interferes with the state's interests to the benefit of foreign entities that may oppose the state.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Well, that's my new favurite description of that scene.

[–] [email protected] 58 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

"Roll acrobatics, I guess."

"Natural 20!"

"Ok... You contort your body in ways that no humanoid creature should be able to, and successfully fit inside the jar.

"Can I get everyone else to make a Wisdom saving throw, please?

"Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh.

"Ok, everybody else now thinks you're a djinni."

[–] [email protected] 57 points 2 weeks ago

This is saying good morning to everyone at midnight levels of pedantic. Astronomers need a common reference frame for discussing timing, and the reference frame they use is "when it's observed at Earth".

Because nothing else allows for coherent organization, discussion, or education.

A nuclear fusion event occurred in the accretion disk of a stellar remnant 2600 years ago or so. An astronomical event known as a nova will occur in the sky sometime this summer.


It's been a little over 24 hours since the Battlecry playtest dropped, and while opinions on Commander are overwhelmingly positive (seriously, I think people might be disappointed when it goes to print; the class is borderline OP, and this level of excitement's going to invite a closer look by the designers), peoples thoughts on Guardian are...

Well, let's just call them extremely polarized. Like, many people are reacting to the class like it shot their spouse or something, and I'm more than a little bit surprised.

Personally, I see a lot to like in the Guardian. Even some things to love. Like the Commander, it's a class built for managing and controlling a battle field. The Commander is all about empowering the PCs to do more in a round, while the Guardian is focused on restraining enemy options. They're both classes designed for facing larger groups of creatures, and leveraging pre-firearms infantry tactics and maneuvers.

Without actually playing it yet, I suspect the Guardian could use a little bit of a survivability buff, while also being concerned that Taunt doesn't provide enough of an incentive shift to pull a mob off of a squishy ally. But it seems very well suited for forming and maintaining a proper front line (as opposed to a martial morass).

It makes me wonder what else is coming with Battlecry. Coming off of the War of the Immortals, are we getting proper troop combat or something?


It truly be Christmas in April!

User u/Urumii has released their 2e conversion guide for We Be Goblins Free! This is just a conversion document, not a rewrite (due to copyright), but it should help anyone wanting to try out the third (fird?) installment of the We Be Goblins series.

They also have guides for the first two adventures in the series, linked below.

We Be Goblins Free

Direct Link:

Original Post:

We Be Goblins, Too!

Direct Link:

We Be Goblins!

Direct Link:


@[email protected] has a series of Pokemon inspired DnD magical items that they've been porting to Pathfinder 2e, and they're on the Fediverse! You can follow them from Mastodon, Akkoma, Pelroma, Friendica, Hubzilla, kbin, GotoSocial, Misskey/Foundkey/IceShrimp, other Misskey forks, etc. etc. Most Fediverse platforms that allows you to follow users, and not just groups.


Paizo has released two new martial classes for testing!


The commander is an Intelligence-based tactician with unparalleled authority over the battlefield! But they’re no slouch in the fight themself, being trained in martial weapons and all armors, so if you want to lead your fellow adventurers to victory, be sure to playtest the commander!

The Commander is a support martial class that buffs the party using Tactics to grant 2+INT party members extra reactions. They also buff nearby allies with a fear-opposing aura.


The guardian is a Strength-based protector who excels in the use of armor, both for their own benefit and the aid of others. If you are the type of player who enjoys keeping others safe from harm, be sure to playtest the guardian!

The Guardian is a pure martial Tank, with some features that seem to be similar to Champions without the magical element. A defensive expert, focused on redirecting damage away from allies and towards themself, they have abilities that buff ally AC, and nerf enemy attack bonuses against allies while buffing those bonuses against themself, incentivizing enemies to attack them first.


Michael Sayre shared a Commander ability to turn up the hype on today's play test. As a utility guy, this looks pretty awesome.

What's everyone else think?


Golarion is a high magic setting, and that's reflected in PF2s rules for magic items. Unlike in 5e, where magic items are often wondrous and a little bit game breaking, they're expected to fit within the players' power curves.

But there's such an incredible depth of magic items made for 5e (and older editions, of course), that porting them to PF2 is always a temptation.

So, how do you go about doing it? How do you make sure they're balanced? How do you translate their effects? What requires investment? What's better off as a Relic? How do you handle Trick Magic Item? And how do you measure the impact at the table?


I have very mixed feelings on secret checks. One the one hand, they make a lot of sense, they seem like they really help roleplay and being in character, and they generate suspense and uncertainty.

On the other hand, I like rolling my pretty math rocks. I'm a minor dice goblin, and my expensive RNGs demand to be rolled!

Which is fine, I'm the GM at my table, but if I were on the other side of the screen, I think it'd drive me a little crazy.

I also know that they're a controversial topic more generally, and some players have really, really strong negative reactions to them.

So, how do you feel? Does your table use them? If not, why not? If so, how do they feel? Do you have anyone at the table with very strong feelings about them? If so, how have they articulated those feelings?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently came across Mortals and Portals and was instantly hooked. I just caught up to where they are (save for today's new episode), and it's left me with a bit of gap.

So, what else is good? I'm currently also caught up with Rotgrind and Rotgoon, which have been really good, and are better demonstrations of PF2 game systems.

So, what's good? What's everybody ~~stealing ideas from~~ listening to?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/pathfinder2e

cross-posted from:

So, over on the subreddit there's a post that caught me off guard. I'm not experienced enough with the game to know the ins-and-outs of all of classes, so when someone posted asking about Ruffian Rogues and Picks.

From the comments, this appears to be a Thing of Great Contention within the Pathfinder space (or, at least within that Pathfinder space; I find r/Pathfinder2e to be a rather... idiosyncratic place, personally).

The long and short of it is that Picks have the Fatal d10 trait, but Ruffian specifies:

You can deal sneak attack damage with any weapon, not just the weapons listed in the sneak attack class feature. This benefit doesn't apply to a simple weapon with a damage die greater than d8 or a martial or advanced weapon with a damage die greater than d6. (Apply any abilities that alter the damage die size first.)

(Emphasis mine.)

A lot of words have been published over how the Ruffian doesn't lose Sneak Attack on a critical hit, but this seems pretty straight forward from the text here that it does. Weird and stupid, and something I'd never personally enforce, but clear and straight forward nonetheless.

This is the updated wording from Player Core 1, no less, and Ruffian's text was updated in the remaster, so there was an opportunity to reword or clarify that was not taken, so I'm not sure what others are reading from this that I'm not.

How do you interpret this situation? How would you judge it at your table?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, over on the subreddit there's a post that caught me off guard. I'm not experienced enough with the game to know the ins-and-outs of all of classes, so when someone posted asking about Ruffian Rogues and Picks.

From the comments, this appears to be a Thing of Great Contention within the Pathfinder space (or, at least within that Pathfinder space; I find r/Pathfinder2e to be a rather... idiosyncratic place, personally).

The long and short of it is that Picks have the Fatal d10 trait, but Ruffian specifies:

You can deal sneak attack damage with any weapon, not just the weapons listed in the sneak attack class feature. This benefit doesn't apply to a simple weapon with a damage die greater than d8 or a martial or advanced weapon with a damage die greater than d6. (Apply any abilities that alter the damage die size first.)

(Emphasis mine.)

A lot of words have been published over how the Ruffian doesn't lose Sneak Attack on a critical hit, but this seems pretty straight forward from the text here that it does. Weird and stupid, and something I'd never personally enforce, but clear and straight forward nonetheless.

This is the updated wording from Player Core 1, no less, and Ruffian's text was updated in the remaster, so there was an opportunity to reword or clarify that was not taken, so I'm not sure what others are reading from this that I'm not.

How do you interpret this situation? How would you judge it at your table?


The publishers of Nightfell, a horror/grimdark setting for 5e, made a post on Reddit announcing their kickstarter for a PF2e port.

The setting looks interesting, and it's well reviewed on DTRPG. It's also received ongoing support since release. So, I'm a little excited about established 5e 3PPs dipping their toes in the PF2 waters, rather than just slapping a new name on the 5e mechanics and launching "their own" system.

It kind of feels like the game is approaching a critical population limit, where 3rd party support will be more common, and projects supporting both systems will become much more normal.

Kickstarter link


Crazy how the only one of these airing criticism that says the budget isn't doing enough is the publicly owned one.

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