
joined 2 years ago
[–] InternetCitizen2 1 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

and people do know what’s in their own best interest the vast majority of the time.

Is that true if the vast majority of people are either uninformed or apathetic?

[–] InternetCitizen2 3 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

It seems to be so “noteworthy” that nobody is talking about it, and it sounds very optional.

I mean not to be a tin foil hat but they are not going to admit to negative side effects. Take issues with right to repair and how they fly under the radar. John Deere is a big offender that affects everyone and few will know. Your food supply should be noteworthy.

[–] InternetCitizen2 10 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Given the popularity of anti mask overlapping with fundamentalist they would ban Halloween. Possibility even Christmas as the only holiday we are authorized to celebrate is the Lord's Day, Sunday.

[–] InternetCitizen2 2 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

What does that even do? I've used it many times.

[–] InternetCitizen2 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Bro... Your asking HR. Curb your expectations.

[–] InternetCitizen2 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I was just making this point with a laissez faire capitalism coworker. Bro just cannot understand the invisible hand is very often wrong.

[–] InternetCitizen2 1 points 1 day ago

Not to mention that we Linux usersvare kind of against sandboxing apps. Which keeps us some what behind on desktop stuff

[–] InternetCitizen2 4 points 1 day ago

Don't spend it all in one place kiddo!

[–] InternetCitizen2 13 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Where can one read more on the second paragraph?

[–] InternetCitizen2 16 points 2 days ago

You can't not have a finger print. You can a best try and look like everyone elses.Sadly the free market won't care and as such you won't blend with normal users. Still you can try and look like ever one else in the privacy community

[–] InternetCitizen2 1 points 4 days ago

Try two hours. Your doing a bit mile every 40s.


So UHC came to my job to pitch their plans for the employer health insurance. They wanted something like $1400/mo and I guess enough people complained because a new email just came up for $1000/mo.

For family plans

My MC is squeaky (


I have noticed that my MC makes a squeaky sound when I am slowing down around 20mph. I think it might be the wheels, but I am not sure. Does anyone know what I should look at to investigate further or what is a known grease this bit?

submitted 1 month ago by InternetCitizen2 to c/pics

What games would you like to be more deck friendly?

I would like civ7 to do something like transport feaver 2 so it works well without the mouse and keyboard

# here is where my aliases go yo

alias alias-edit="vim ~/.local/config/alias_config && source ~/.local/config/alias_config && echo 'Alias updated. \n'"

## Modern cli
alias ls="exa"
alias find="fdfind"

## System 76
alias battery-full="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile full_charge"
alias battery-balanced="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile balanced"
alias battery-maxhealth="system76-power charge-thresholds --profile max_lifespan"

## Maintenance
alias update-flatapt="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && flatpak update --assumeyes"

## Misc
alias tree="exa --tree"

## Incus
alias devi-do="sudo incus exec dev0 -- su -l devi"

## Some programs
alias code="flatpak run com.visualstudio.code"

I really like the idea of a package/dependency manager. It just seems that when ever I am reading a tutorial and they want to import something that is not standard they say write this in to your TOMOL not cargo install it. Like when reading python docs they all say to use pip or something. Sorry it just seems that Cargo is somewhat overlooked or is it just my perception?

submitted 2 months ago by InternetCitizen2 to c/pics

Nothing interesting. Just a slice of life.


So I typically shave with a safety as they are easy to use and cheap on the blades. I decided to try a shavette razor the last few weeks. I have since gotten the hang of it, but it does feel way more awkward and not a whole lot better, as such it takes far longer to use. Tho the shave is still rather good.


Sorry for the somewhat noob question, but how do you pick a library for making a GUI for your apps? My background is in physics, so most of my programming is perfectly find with a CLI that outputs a graph as a ps file or some csv. I am looking to learn about making some neat little GUIs. I was thinking it would be a good idea to try and build my GUI out of the browser so that my app can be as portable as possible, but does this mean it has to be in Javascript or can the backend be done in anything else?

I am not really sure what I am asking, but wanted to get a feel for how people approach front ends.

Thanks :)

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