
joined 2 years ago
[–] Eideen 72 points 2 months ago (3 children)

That makes more sense than bird strike which led to control surface failure.

[–] Eideen 21 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Yes sad that @[email protected] have been inactive for so long, and without him support Sync I am afraid Sync will die.

[–] Eideen 11 points 2 months ago

The 0.19.4 release also broke marking posts as read in Sync for Lemmy. Although this isn't really something we consider a blocker, it's still worth mentioning, as there are still a lot of Sync for Lemmy users out there that haven't noticed this issue yet if they're only active on Lemmy.World. Over the last 2 weeks we've had nearly 5k active Sync for Lemmy users . This is unfortunately something that will break during the upgrade, as the API has changed in upstream Lemmy.

[–] Eideen 9 points 2 months ago

Temporary bad, and old news.

[–] Eideen 31 points 2 months ago

God job Seattle!👍

[–] Eideen 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If you are happy about the Heatit - Z-Wave - Z-TRM6 , why not get more?

[–] Eideen 11 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Nice i will try it out.

[–] Eideen 3 points 2 months ago

Do love the detail summary.

[–] Eideen 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

If you desire to be able to config via text file is not to strong. You can use https://github.com/librenms/docker

[–] Eideen 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I have no problem running it with raid 5/6. The important thing is to have a UPS.

[–] Eideen 1 points 3 months ago

I don’t think it needs to perfect, but without seeing the data I can’t trust it. ie one of the way the results can rigged is to set lower kilometers travel for some models.

[–] Eideen 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

To adjust for exposure, the number of cars involved in a fatal crash were normalized by the total number of vehicle miles driven, which was estimated from iSeeCars’ data of over 8 million vehicles on the road in 2022 from model years 2018-2022.

Gived the number are estimated, how can we trust them?

submitted 1 year ago by Eideen to c/formula1

Following the standard analysis of tyres used during Free Practice 1 yesterday, in which tyres that have been used for approximately 20 laps are examined by Pirelli to check various safety parameters, a separation in the sidewall between the topping compound and the carcass cords on many of tyres that were checked was discovered.

It is the view of the FIA and Pirelli that a significant number of additional laps on these tyres could result in circumferential damage of the tyres with subsequent air loss, and tyres analysed with lower lap numbers showed a much-reduced extent of the issue.

This issue has likely been caused by the high-frequency interference between the tyre sidewall and the 50mm ‘pyramid’ kerbs used extensively at this circuit, aggravated by the propensity to ride those kerbs.

The following actions will be taken on safety grounds in response to this issue:

  1. Track limits at Turns 12-13 will be revised.
  2. There will be a 10-minute Practice Familiarisation Session, scheduled to start at 16:00 local time, following the revision of the track limits, to allow drivers to adjust to the changes. The Sprint Shootout will therefore start 20 minutes later than scheduled (16:20 local time).
  3. There will extensive tyre analysis following the Sprint (19 laps), to decide whether further action needs to be taken ahead of the Grand Prix.
  4. In the event the problem is still evident, we will be issuing the following directive for Sunday’s Grand Prix, on safety grounds:
    4.1 The tyre life parameter must not exceed 20 for new tyres used in the race. This number would rise to 22 for any used tyres fitted in the race, to account for in-out laps in qualifying.
    4.2 All drivers will be obliged to perform at least three tyre-change pitstops during the race.

Pirelli and the FIA will carry out extensive research and simulations in order to establish with complete confidence the reasons behind this issue, and to work on solutions to avoid it in the future.


Due to the frequency of Safety Car interventions in yesterday’s Sprint, the tyre data available for analysis by Pirelli was insufficient to add to that already undertaken following previous track sessions.

In some cases, tyres that were analysed from the Sprint did show the initial onset of the separation in the sidewall between the topping compound and the carcass cords of the tyres.

As was the case in Free Practice 1, this issue has likely been caused by the high-frequency interference between the tyre sidewall and the 50mm ‘pyramid’ kerbs used extensively at this circuit, aggravated by the propensity to ride those kerbs.

As a consequence, it has been decided by the FIA and Pirelli and after consultation with the teams on safety grounds, the following measures will be implemented for today’s Qatar Grand Prix:

  • A mandatory limit of 18 laps of total tyre life per set will be imposed.
  • The life of already used tyres will be taken into consideration.
  • The FIA and Pirelli will communicate to the teams the remaining available laps for each set of used tyres at their disposal for the race and the criteria used to calculate that number.
  • There is no direct mandate for at least three tyre-change pitstops during the race, however this will be a consequence of the above guidelines should the race run its entire race distance.
  • Any car deemed to have exceeded the tyre life lap limit will be reported to the Stewards as being run in an unsafe condition.
  • This information will be formally communicated to the teams in the Race Directors’ notes and further updates issued as required.

Denne artikkelen fra Nettavisen handler om prisforskjellene på kokt skinkepålegg hos dagligvarekjedene Kiwi, Rema 1000 og Extra. Her er en oppsummering av hovedpunktene:

  • Nettavisen har undersøkt utvalg og priser på kokt skinkepålegg hos Kiwi, Rema 1000 og Extra.
  • Dagligvareekspert Bent Sofus Tranøy uttrykker bekymring for at Gilde, en etablert merkevare, kan bli presset ut av butikkene på grunn av prisforskjellene.
  • Prisene på kokt skinkepålegg varierer betydelig, fra 131 til 443 kroner per kilo.
  • Over halvparten av skinkepåleggene som ble sjekket, er såkalte "egne merkevarer" (EMV) fra kjedene, mens bare 12 av 31 er merkevarer.
  • Tranøy påpeker at konkurransen i dagligvaremarkedet ikke er i samsvar med teoretisk konkurranse, og at dagligvarekjedene har betydelig makt over prisene og utvalget.
  • Han mener at kjedene har kontroll over hvordan varene presenteres i butikkene og at de kan påvirke prisene, for eksempel ved å øke prisene på konkurrerende merkevarer.
  • Tranøy påpeker at kjedene gradvis utvider sin makt og kontroll over verdikjeden.

Dette er hovedpunktene fra artikkelen om prisforskjellene på kokt skinkepålegg i norske dagligvarebutikker.

Issue with Lemmy.world (isitdownorjust.me)
submitted 2 years ago by Eideen to c/support

There looks to be some issues


With the current 255 points and a 99 points lead over Sergio Pérez, and a assuming maximum points to both drives as first and second.

Max Verstappen will have a 148 point lead after Qatar Grand Prix, and only 146 maximum points reaming for the last 5 laps.

But based on the average point of Sergio Pérez, with 11 points for the last 5 rounds, it will be secured but round 16, Japanese Grand Prix.

going in Remaing Max Sergio Pérez avg, 11 points delta Sergio Pérez 18 + 7 spint delta
Hungarian Grand Prix 344 255 156 99 156 99
Belgian Grand Prix 318 281 167 114 174 107
Dutch Grand Prix 284 315 178 137 199 116
Italian Grand Prix 258 341 189 152 217 124
Singapore Grand Prix 232 367 200 167 235 132
Japanese Grand Prix 206 393 211 182 253 140
Qatar Grand Prix 180 419 222 197 271 148
United States Grand Prix 146 453 233 220 296 157
Mexico City Grand Prix 112 487 244 243 321 166
São Paulo Grand Prix 86 513 255 258 339 174
Las Vegas Grand Prix 52 547 266 281 364 183
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 26 573 277 296 382 191
599 288 311 400 199
submitted 2 years ago by Eideen to c/norge

Nå innser vi at toppskåret brød ikke har slått tilstrekkelig an hos flertallet av pølse-folket, sier Harald Kristiansen, kommunikasjonssjef i Coop Norge i en uttalelse.

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