Two extra inches. Either height or... Y'know. Ideally both.
We can't understand how millions can vote for a senile, convicted sexual predator as president....
Porn, obviously. Internet is for porn.
We(humanity) don't deserve Bernie.
You have to understand I have very high standards, it's a childhood thing.... I am not a happy person....
Not bad, way better than I expected.
The Russian puppet candidate declared having spent 0 funds on his campaign. 0.
Meanwhile, people's testimonies and evidence have come up of influencers being paid up to € 1k for promoting this guy's campaign.
Moreover, these promotional videos have not been marked as being political propaganda, as required by law, they were heavily promoted after the campaign was over and were pushed to people's feeds using proven bot networks....
Give me the oven.
Coffee and cigarettes. Or as we call it where I'm from, an eastern European breakfast.