
joined 2 years ago
[–] Crow 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I’ve been waiting for him to to do something like this. It was too good to have a pope that didn’t seem evil.

[–] Crow 8 points 1 year ago

And here I am just stealing more food than ever.

[–] Crow 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What could someone say a spy for Cuba has helped with? Giving Cuba intel on how to build better factories?

[–] Crow 5 points 1 year ago

Why is this man in so many modern b&W films?

[–] Crow 21 points 1 year ago

That’s a very interesting question I read while pooping.

submitted 1 year ago by Crow to c/lemmyshitpost

For transparency this was made with an AI.

[–] Crow 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I thought they made a real one of these as a one time goof.

[–] Crow 6 points 1 year ago

I don’t know, I looked closely at the three panels and didn’t see any acorns.

[–] Crow 9 points 1 year ago

This will really hamper my 0 visits to Wendy’s without coupons.

[–] Crow 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As a Canadian, what’s it like?

[–] Crow 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I thought too but then I watched Wonka.

[–] Crow 7 points 1 year ago (4 children)

They should be banned. You want rich kids going to school with poor kids.

[–] Crow 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

May I call you PeePee?


I took the dive into Linux gaming at the start of the year and never switched back to windows. It’s so much better for everything and Steams work on big picture has let me turn my PC into the Linux console of my dreams since the steam machine vaporware days.

Additionally the ease of use of using Linux vs windows for gaming has gotten me to start using my pc for local coop a lot more. I’ve had so much more success using multiple controllers with Linux than windows.

My biggest worry, like anyone’s, was that I would feel limited by the games I can play. I’ve honestly started to try even more games since I’ve had better experiences with switch emulators on Linux (Yuzu my baby). Sometimes a newer game won’t let me use the latest version of DLSS my GPU supports but that doesn’t make a game unplayable, I just don’t get max graphics/ performance.

The only game I can’t play is rocket league. But I can only blame Epic for actively breaking the game on Linux.


This is an idea I’ve been toying with for a bit. There is a ton of media that includes unimportant information that doesn’t need to be stored pixel perfect. Storing large portions of the image data as text will save substantial amounts of storage, and as the reality of on-device image generation becoming commonplace sets in digital memories will become the main way people capture the world around them. I think this will inevitably be the next form of media capture (photography and video), not replacing other methods/ formats, but I could see things like phone cameras having saving images as digital memories set to default to save on storage.

What are the current metas? (self.baldurs_gate_3)
submitted 2 years ago by Crow to c/baldurs_gate_3

I’ve personally found great effectiveness using cloud of daggers maybe more than any other spell. Funnelling enemies through a passageway with multiple cloud of daggers cast on the spot is probably my current meta. Then I utilize thunder wave/ black hole to keep the enemies on the other side of the daggers once they make it through.

Another thing if found amazing success with is getting a party to strength 20 as fast as I can, which then I find 90% of enemies can be thrown off cliffs for instant kills. Throwing enemies off cliffs also only requires stealth checks where the body hits the ground and dies.

Lastly there is a fun little cheese strategy I’ve picked up that I don’t see anyone talking about. If you cancel an improvised weapon attack with an NPC before you deal damage, you can move NPC’s without angering anyone.


Just noticed while shopping today that Walmart locked up the family planning products. This includes pregnancy tests which I think should not have another barrier to getting them. The same with birth control like condoms. I really doubt a lot of young couples are going to want to get staff to help them access such personal things like condoms and lube.


I'm running nvidia driver version 530 and in the pop shop there is an "update" for nvidia driver version 525. I'd rather not downgrade, but I am not sure if the pop shop will show me newer drivers until I install 525. Anyone know?


I have a router set up just for my wifi cameras. The router is not plugged into the internet, but it is directly connected to one of two Ethernet ports on my ×86 home assistant server. The other Ethernet port for Home Assistant is connected to the internet. Is there any chance a device connected that router could somehow access the internet from homeassistant?


Considering the new game port toolkit ports dx12 to Apple Metal which is supported on iPad with the same architecture these games are being ported to. Elden ring on ipad?

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