Oh lol.
What is the Chinese Elm working on exactly?
Trying to figure out if this is a neurodivergent thing or an OCD thing. Or just a joke.
Lol yeah, a motor can run in either direction, but I can't think of any that do in the equipment I service as part of normal operation right now.
Little snobs? Shit head minority? Something like that comes to mind
Me. I can use Sync for Lemmy .
Small correction, no motor runs backward. You can't reverse the flow through a compressor, so heat pumps have a reversing valve that slides back and forth to reverse the flow of refrigerant in the system.
And now you've stumbled upon the debate that us air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics are all participating in. Refrigerants right now have some sort of danger.
R-22 has an ozone depletion potential. It has clhlorine atoms that break up ozone in the atmosphere, and it's been discontinued in 2020.
R-410A has flourine atoms, so has no ozone depletion potential but has a global warming potential, like CO2. It's the current refrigarant for air conditioners and heat pumps, next to be phased out when we find a better replacement.
Ammonia is natural and not harmful for the environment, but flammable and toxic in high concentrations. Lucky for you, most air conditioning or residential/commercial refrigeration systems don't use it, it's only large scale industrial refrigaration, like fisheries, ice cream and yogurt factories, etc.
Some say the hydro companies are pushing heat pumps to make more money. They also require more maintenance than a furnace, which also cost $$. Change your filters, and have your electrical components checked at least once per year and your system be happier in the long run and you'll save on break downs and repairs.
Me, I just try to do a good job, practice good workmanship to make sure my installs and the equioment I maintain don't leak or break. That's how I'm doing my part for the planet
We're constantly trying to do better and be better, it's just a long process.
Also sorry for the lateness of my reply. I'm using Sync and just figured out I've been getting replies but no notifications.
Yeah, I was hoping someone would catch on. Sorry for the lateness of my reply, I'm using Sync and just figured out I've been getting replies but no notifications.
That sounds like force feedback joysticks for aerial combat games,where the recoil is in the peripheral.
But in modern shooters, the recoil is on screen instead, so I wonder how well a new vibrating mouse that recoils itself would pair with that.
Oh thanks, because I pictured the original comment formatted the exact same, just without periods. ๐