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[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Please tell me what exactly a helmet in a car will do for you, unless you are travelling well over 200 miles per hour? Seatbelts already hold the torso in place, preventing one from slamming their head into the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield, and the airbags already absorb the energy and arrest the unrestrained body parts, such as the head.

You would have to be travelling fast enough to outpace the airbags, which typically deploy at around 200 miles per hour. You wanna know why professional race car drivers wear helmets? Because they don't have airbags.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Bikes dont have airbags, restraints, or a large cage of structural metal surrounding them. If you are on a bike, your only protection is what you are wearing. With that in mind, wouldn't you want to wear something to protect yourself when moving at higher speeds? Even a speed of 10mph can be fatal if you fall off and hit your head on the ground. You cannot fall off or out of a car if you are properly wearing your seatbelt, and the airbags and structure of the vehicle are your immediate protections.

Basically, helmets in cars aren't mandatory and don't make sense to make mandatory, because there are already safety precautions in cars. Bikes, whether manual or motorized, do not offer these or any protections.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

At least it's not "the narwhal bacons at midnight" shit

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, JS always seemed like the red-headed stepchild of modern languages. I'd be curious to know if other ECMAScript languages like JScript are as, eh, "quirky", suggesting that the ECMA spec is the source of the quirkiness, or if JavaScript itself is the one making silly decisions. Technically, I mostly work with Google's AppScript when I use ECMAScript stuff, but I'm fairly certain AppsScript is based off of JavaScript instead of directly based on the ECMA spec, so I don't think it's separate enough for me to draw a conclusion there.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It doesn't have to be the default to be built in, tho. It could be an overloaded function, having the "default" be the typical convert-to-string sorting, and an overloaded function that allows to specify a type.

It's just such a common thing, wanting to sort a list by different types, that I'm surprised there hasn't been an official implementation added like this. I get that it a simple "fix" to make, but I just think that if it's that simple yet kind of obscure (enough that people are still constantly asking about it) there should be an official implementation, rather than something you have build yourself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Right, but you have to make that comparator yourself, it's not a built-in part of the language. The only built-in comparator converts values to strings and compares them in code units orders.

Also, that technically isnt type-safe, is it? If you threw a string or a NaN at that it would fail. As far as I knew, type safe means that a function can handle type errors itself, rather than throwing an exception. So in this case the function would automatically convert types if it was type-safe to prevent an unhandled exception.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I think the main shortcoming here is that there isnt a way to specify the type to sort as, instead you have to write the function to compare them as numbers yourself. If it's such a simple implementation, why isn't it officially implemented? Why isn't there a sortAs() that takes two args, the input list, and a Type value? Check every element matches the type and then sort, otherwise return a Type Error.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I played DnD a bit before, but it has been years. I remember the basic premise of stuff, but absolutely forgot all the little details of things. With that in mind, it really just feels like any other big RPG with classes and skill trees. It feels much less complicated than just about any primarily strategy game (especially things like 4x games), despite definitely fitting into the strategy category. It feels like every system that could be complex and daunting has enough information given and a very intuitive UI that makes it easy to navigate and figure things out on your own.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

What are 5 of the 1000 bad things Valve has specifically done for Linux gamers? 5 things that are on par with the (apparently) "one" good thing Valve did for Linux gamers, which is (I guess) create a gaming distro and distro-independent open-source compatibility layer that enables phenomenal performance, sometimes even better than running linux native code? A compatible layer co-developed by CodeWeavers, known for being one of, if not THE biggest contributor to Wine and the primary maintainer of the Wine project?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

What instances are you people browsing on??? In both and I see one or two posts about Trump and then nothing for like 3 pages... I see one meme with his mugshot and one news article on, and has the same meme and the politics megathread. I have to scroll pretty deep after that to see anything else even mentioning him.

Am I just extremely lucky or something?!

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 year ago

LMAO the dude got debunked off his own link

[–] [email protected] 103 points 1 year ago (11 children)

Well, clocks are just mechanical sundials. Before clockwise, there was sunwise (or deosil), and clocks' movements are based off of the movement of a shadow across a sundial.


Hello, I am trying to sign up on, and I filled out the sign up form, but when it told me it would send a verification email, it never actually sent it. I tried signing up again and am told the email already exists. I try to sign in and nothing happens, I dont get an error it just doesnt do anything. I have checked my spam folders and got nothing. I signed up on and instantly got the verification email, so it is clearly an issue with this instance in particular.

I'm not too concerned about the account being created here, as my goal was just to move away from due to it never being up, and since I did get an account created on I suppose I dont NEED multiple accounts across instances, but I wanted to bring it up in case anyone else is having this issue as well. I didnt see any sort of support contact information for the instance, just a link to official support, so if there is a better way to communicate this issue to the admins/people in charge, please let me know.

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