
joined 2 years ago
[–] Canopyflyer 1 points 23 hours ago

Chili (I modified the "Joy of Cooking's" McCleod chili recipe with fresh chilis and roasted red peppers)

Julia Child La Beouf Bourguignon (This actually gets better the longer it sits in the fridge).

Baked Ziti (Cooks Illustrated)

Chicken Tinga (Bon Appetite recipe)

[–] Canopyflyer 16 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Quite the metaphor mixing you're doing there.

Must say I rather like it.

[–] Canopyflyer 1 points 5 days ago

Got to see Chicago/ Beach Boys double headline back in 1989 (I think). Both bands were great. Saw the Beach Boys at the old Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, OH about 5 years later and it was a great show.

Bad Company Holy Water tour. Brian Howe was front lining the band and he was great, but really would have preferred to have seen Paul Rodgers.

Black Crowes opening for ZZ Top on the Recycler tour. ZZ Top had a great show, but musically, Black Crowes was much better.

Duran Duran ... I was a closet fan of theirs back in my teens. I'm not in the closet any longer. Soup Dragons opened for them and they suuuucked.

Linkin Park opening for Metallica at the Atlanta Braves stadium in 2003. They were great, Metallica was meh, but I've never been a huge fan of theirs.

Live... Not a big fan of theirs, but they did have a good live show. (see what I did there! Yes, I'm a Dad.) They opened for the Counting Crows who were great too.

Santana is a lot better live than anywhere else. I saw him on the Supernatural tour, or at least that was the album he had just released. Funny side story about this concert. This was in 1999 and was there with a friend. 25 years later, my wife and I were talking about concerts we have attended over the years. She mentioned she went to see Santana when she first moved to Cincinnati, which is where I lived at the time... Turns out we were at the same concert 5 years before we met and didn't realize it until last year.

Yes, I'm old.

[–] Canopyflyer 2 points 1 week ago

My Friday night group started playing 2024 rules a couple of months ago. Also made the change from Roll20 to Foundry VTT, so it's been a little bit of a learning curve for the group.

I absolutely love Weapon Mastery. It's a mechanic that is long over due. Haven't been playing long enough to say what could be done better about it, as so far it's been pretty good across the classes. I play a Rogue Soul Knife and having Vex, in order to get Sneak Attack damage every turn is really effective. Plus, as a Rogue I can use tactics more individualized for my character.

The lack of flanking giving advantage was annoying... At first. With that said, it has forced the party to actually engage in tactics that didn't just involve lining up in a row.

So far so good... Just waiting for everything to go behind multiple paywalls due to Hasbro having a bad quarter. I really tried pushing my group to go to Pathfinder after the License dust up, but was overridden. My group is more important to me than the stupidity of Hasbro, so 2024 is what we play.

[–] Canopyflyer 1 points 1 week ago

Hard... AGREE on this one.

Why in the holy Tiamat didn't they just call it 6e? Got to be edgy or cringy...

[–] Canopyflyer 2 points 1 week ago

My college girlfriend bought me a tri-fold wallet for my 20th birthday. It is still in daily use.

Why? It is an expensive and well made wallet and it has always felt "right" in my back pocket. While it shows obvious signs of wear, all the stitching is still in perfect shape.

That girlfriend dumped me, after 3 years of dating, for a guy that owned a fancier car. She contacted me two years later looking to get back together. I told her to pound sand, but I still use the wallet.

Thanks for the wallet Shannon... It doesn't remind me of you, but it is a good wallet.

Just remembered, she bought me the Led Zeppelin box set for Christmas that same year. It is currently sitting in my closet. I still "use" it, but I've long ripped the discs to FLAC files and listen to them via my Plex server.

So two things from the same girlfriend.

I will be turning 55 next month.

[–] Canopyflyer 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Just you.

Vincent Price might have made his career in horror and playing creepy characters, IRL he was anything but. By the things I have read about him, he was a good person. He was also a chef in his own right, so seeing him in the kitchen baking cookies with someone would have been completely normal for him. He was probably having the time of his life, sharing his love of food with a child.

I'm sure that photo documents one of the few healthy interactions Drew had during her childhood.

Edit: Grammar

[–] Canopyflyer 3 points 2 weeks ago
[–] Canopyflyer 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You are the Universe experiencing itself.

[–] Canopyflyer 40 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Playing a high level (19th) home brewed adventure. I'm playing a Dragonborn Twilight Domain Cleric, my wife is playing a Sea Elf Paladin Oath of Vengence. There are two other players in the party a Tortle Warlock/Bard and Triton Ranger.

The party runs across a large chamber absolutely filled with various monstrous insects and other nasties, with the latest BBEG at the other end of the chamber. In between are chasms, and other obstacles. Basically, the entire room was designed to wear us down before we get to the BBEG.

My wife's Paladin has Gauntlets of Storm Giant Strength, so her strength is 29 AND she's hasted. So my nearly 300 pound armored Dragonborn Cleric climbs onto her back and casts Spirit Guardians...... at 9th level.

Then my wife runs as fast as she can. Her movement was 120 and she was able to leap over all the chasms in the way. I rolled for Spirit Guardians and damn near maxed out the damage and the DC was 22... There were THREE monsters left, besides the BBEG, and they were severely bloodied and easily dispatched by the other two characters, at range obviously. Also, the BBEG had to use one of its Legendary Resistances to save against Spirit Guardians, and with smart work from the Warlock/Bard and Ranger its next two LR's got used up and we killed it in 3 turns.

Our DM was too impressed to be pissed.

[–] Canopyflyer 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Immanuel Kant was a real pissant Who was very rarely stable

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar Who could think you under the table

David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel

There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raising of the wrist Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill

Plato, they say, could stick it away Half a crate of whiskey every day

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle Hobbes was fond of his dram

And Rene Descartes was a drunken fart "I drink, therefore I am."

Yes, Socrates himself is particularly missed A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed

[–] Canopyflyer 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hobbyist cook here that owns one of the best duel fuel ranges (gas top, electric oven) on the US market. A Wolf DF304 and yes, I'm damn proud of it. It is by far the best cooking range I have ever used. Unlike its predecessor, a Dacor RSD30, it has stood up to very heavy use over the years.

I love to cook with gas. I have cooked on resistive electric and they are terrible.

With that said (induction supporters, it's time for you to just wait a bit, I know you're just cracking your knuckles to put me on blast).

My next range, or cooktop will be induction. A friend of mine has an induction cooktop that is comparable to Wolf. It actually is pretty nice... For the most part. My issue with induction really is not how it cooks, but rather the weird noises that will sometimes come from either the cookware, or the cooktop itself. It's a high end induction as well (Viking I think). So I'm not talking about some cheap stove from a box store.

But as far as how well it cooks, I really do like induction. It does all the things that gas does well; instant temperature control, gets really low for simmering, gets really hot for searing or other high heat cooking. I also like the fact that induction doesn't produce any carcinogenic combustion byproducts. I've always had a high flow vent above any gas range I have owned. My wife used to have the bad habit of not turning on the fan when she uses the stovetop. Yeah, that doesn't happen now.

The bad news is... It's a Wolf which is designed to last 20 years in a professional kitchen. While mine sees heavy use for a home kitchen, that's peanuts in comparison. A Wolf will literally last a lifetime in a home. It would really pain me to junk this thing prematurely. If we stay where we are, the kitchen will need to be remodeled in the next 5 to 6 years. At that point my stove will be 15 years old, so we might just replace it.


WARNING: In this post I talk about working on HIGH POWER electrical circuits. DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED... PERIOD! The capacitor in the final photo is quite easily capable of KILLING YOU if you discharge it through yourself. The amp uses TWO of those in its power supply.

As a hobby, I pick up distressed amplifiers, receivers, and other audio equipment and attempt to bring them back to life. This has netted me some spectacularly great pieces for pennies on the dollar, to outright free.

This photo is a receiver I picked up locally for free. Both main channels were "out". It wasn't the internal amplifier that was the problem though, rather the input board had some dry solder joints. About 3 hours of soldering netted me a perfectly working receiver, which has been in my living room for the past two years working perfectly. If you want photos of when I took it apart, just let me know.

Below is an 8 channel McIntosh MC7108 that I bought off of eBay listed "for parts". While what I paid for it probably doesn't fit the definition for "budget", it was less than a quarter what the amp is worth... So maybe budgetish? It's works great, but I ended up not really fixing it. It actually worked for about a week after I bought it. I thought I had really scored, until it started up with a horrendous buzzing noise that came from inside the cabinet. The protection circuits also kicked in and the amplifier would not power up. Some investigation, again photos are available if you want to see them, revealed that buzzing came from a bad capacitor and relay in the on/off switch circuit. As I didn't care about the on/off switch, I simply bypassed it. Now, if the amp is plugged in, it turns on. I control it using a Zwave outlet (look at the power outlet and you'll see it) and that is what I use to turn on and off the entire stack you see.

Below the McIntosh is a Carver TFM-15B that needed the input pots cleaned and new meter lights. It's not a well built amp, but I've always loved Bob Carver's work and it sounds very warm. Bob was known for is ability to copy the sound of much more expensive amplifiers in his design, which he called "Transfer Function." In the case of the TFM-15B is copies the sound of a Classe amp, although I don't remember which one.

Below that is my wife's old Soundcraftsman amplifier that I put new power supply capacitors in. The caps in that thing are the size of coke cans.. Don't believe me? See the last photo...

At the very bottom is an old HTPC I built many years ago. It is retired as an HTPC and is currently serving as a low power server for my house.

Big honking Capacitor:


Channel 3000 Coverage

As of 1:50pm CST: 5 are dead, 5 more injured and the shooter is dead (not counted in the fatality count)

Absolutely unbelievable that this crap has come to Madison.


Sorry for the bad image quality.

The image is of the top of piston 4 and the cylinder wall in a Toyota 2AR-FE with 162,000 miles. All Toyota recommended maintenance was performed throughout the engine's life. I have the feeling those recommendations were written by marketing people and not the engineers.

Based on what the image shows, the engine needs a short block. Am I correct?


Probably a lot of these posts coming, but here's mine.

Just deleted and exported all of my Reddit comments/posts and exported them (hey, I'm old and can experience bouts of nostalgia.) If Reddit as a company cannot respect their users, then a user I will no longer be. Normally such things don't bother me. For profit companies are always behave as scumbags. We're their product and if the product doesn't behave, then it gets put into its place. That is what I have been seeing the past couple of months.

What finally did it for me, to jump ship, as the way the Admins started treating the Mods. People that actually grew and put in the effort to grow the various subreddits. You know, the people that actually did the work to produce the product Reddit, as a company, is trying to sell. It is not surprising that Reddit's management is so clueless. They want to make money, but the product they are trying to sell... Was built by someone else... FOR FREE. The Reddit execs think they have tons of content advertisers would love, when all they really have is a platform, which OTHER PEOPLE built content on. Advertisers don't care about the platform, there are tons of those out there. The advertisers are only interested in the content that will draw people to look at their ads.

My prediction is that the Reddit IPO will be successful, but as a company it will outlast the IPO about 3 years.

Sometimes things are not about money and it astounds me the number of people that just don't understand that fact.

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