There used to be subs like watchpeopledie and makemycoffin. I barely use reddit anymore but i wouldnt he suprised if there was still a part that has similar content.
So to save money you recommend the poors to starve. Aye aye AdmiralPrick!
Other then fuck gamefreak and nintendo? Nothing really because im not suprised.
About to finish Babylons ashes, ive really enjoyed the whole series so im gonna had mercy of god to my to read list.
But marvel some how takes up 9 spots on the list. Its a terrible list if they overlap. Marvel is one of the tops if correct.
Its like the guy they caught is just a normal dude taking the fall. We cant put it past the adjuster, seems smart, but is also very cute, so might get away with it.
God its so good this isnt .world or you would be banned for life now.
Jury nullification would be nice.
As a cis white male, i don't see any issue with makeup. Ive thickened my eye brows with what i think was eye liner for a job. Idk honestly, i was told by an ex to do so to look more mature for my interview. I got the job.
Oh your a russian bitch. After going through your history it makes a lot more sense.
Talking such nonsense to the dragon is not wise.