Thats not right. Just because i think lemmy is cool doesnt mean its because my opinions align well. In fact i talk a lot of dumb shit and get down voted all the time. Im actually one of the more drunk assholes who post on here.
I kept a drinking habit during covid while i didnt work. Every few days id walk a couple miles to the gas station and buy beer to then carry home. I got my walks in then could go to sleep after a few beers.
Naw lemmy for the most part is pretty cool. If you're getting called out for being a bootlicker by a bunch of replies, it probably means you are one. Which you are, btw.
Thats a given, theres no way AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet's wife wouldnt already know this.
So what type of chatgpt did you use. Because thats so on point i wanna give it a try.
Its funny how republicans can send false agents into the left's sphere of influence so easily. It's hard for the left to do the same because who wants to act like a republican. 🤮
Ah my mistake. I meant to reply to the banned dude, and when i say the dragon, i refer to the dragon reborn Rand al'Thor.
There used to be subs like watchpeopledie and makemycoffin. I barely use reddit anymore but i wouldnt he suprised if there was still a part that has similar content.
So to save money you recommend the poors to starve. Aye aye AdmiralPrick!
Other then fuck gamefreak and nintendo? Nothing really because im not suprised.
Sharing is caring!