
joined 1 year ago
[–] Brainsploosh 2 points 8 hours ago

I've also done the 'sup head jerk with cats around the neighborhood, they start in surprise the first few times, then do it back.

It's apparently an acknowledgement/greeting between cats.

And yes, heed the advice to "ignore" cats until they approach. Sit calmly, do your thing, let eachother know you're there, and then wait. Often doesn't take more than 15 minutes.

[–] Brainsploosh 40 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago) (5 children)

Getting a cat to come to you is easy, you give it food and pets, and then stay calm when it's eating/enjoying.

Repeat until you've built trust, a sick or hurt cat will typically take longer to trust. Count on several days of repeating this without hitches (no sudden loud noise while you're doing it, etc).

Sometimes cats are desperate and everything turns up in a magical, calm way without bloodshed. But more commonly the next part is trickier, the cat will resist you picking it up (especially if hurt) or shutting it in.

Trick here is to be decisive and clear in your body language. Prepare a cat carry box with hard sides, feel free to prepare it with some textile smelling of you, be mindful that it will almost certainly be pissed on. Also bring a towel.

You will have to, in a calm manner, put the folded towel over the cat, and with it lift the cat into the carry. The towel is to trap legs so you won't be scratched, and if you manage to have it snugly around the cat, there's also a way to calm cats by gently pressing them down.

If you are unsure, slow, nervous, or hesitate in your movement, the cat will bolt. If you're too fast, loud, or big in movements, it will as well. Relax and do it in a deliberate motion.

If you release the cat from the carry, it will take considerable time to rebuild trust. Consider either going with it to the vet at once, or let it out in a quiet spare room with food, water, and litter box, and giving it a day or three to get accustomed to the room before letting it explore the rest of the place.

Don't get scratched by the cat, they can have some pretty nasty stuff on the paws, and some transmittable pathogens if anything draws blood or gets in your face/eyes.

Good luck!

[–] Brainsploosh 6 points 1 week ago

Cats do pant, but also run hotter and enjoy higher temperatures than humans (24-26 °C depending on race).

Also, cats have lots of ways to release heat, cats can arrange their fur to release more heat (or burr it to trap more), they lay on cool ground, they can lick themselves for evaporative cooling, and of course seek shade when it gets hot.

We had a hot summer with temperatures of over 30 °C indoors and I got worried my European shorthair would overheat, got them a gel pad that wicks away heat when laid upon, but they thought it was ridiculous and just laid on the concrete floor in the shade whenever too hot and was super comfy and lazy.

[–] Brainsploosh 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

That's actually a very cool idea.

Do a proper SS leather jacket but with a defiled swastika all over the back (so no one can mistake it) and reclaim it?

I'd probably not use the red band.

And would this become problematic in a decade when the jackets get normalised and mainstream (probably without the punk defiling)?


Sometimes one just doesn't have the energy to do what needs done. How do you manage it?

(prompted by the thread about repetitive topics)

[–] Brainsploosh 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I've used Spotify with subscription on android for years and never had any issue with it. The Web and desktop apps have also worked well for the last decade or so.

Deezer, Newpipe, YouTube have all had their places, but Spotify does it's thing the best.

[–] Brainsploosh 5 points 2 weeks ago

Rates are lower in counties with more health insurance, internet access, and income.

Who'd've thunk...

[–] Brainsploosh 5 points 2 weeks ago

That's probably exactly what I was thinking of.

I mostly see them in US media, and they always seem so thick. But then again, the Russian vest doesn't, so I guess they're for different uses.

[–] Brainsploosh 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Interesting, I learnt something new today.

Seems delightfully medieval as a solution. What does the Kevlar do? Mostly anti-spalling?

[–] Brainsploosh 25 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

Maybe I just don't know how bulletproof vests work, but shouldn't there be some layers of energy dispersing material on top of that plate?

Is it a fair comparison without?

[–] Brainsploosh -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Modern nuclear plants take about 1 Mt of fuel per ton of waste, and energy production is about 70-90% effective. Modern systems also dispose about 80-90 % of spent fuel at decay times that leave only a percent of radiation every 20 years.

Nuclear is however indeed a dead end, with current exponentially increasing energy needs we probably only have 150 years of Uranium before we need to figure out an alternative. At current energy levels, we have about 550 years.

150 years of very low pollution, stable energy is however a better, cleaner, cheaper and safer energy source than fossil oil has been throughout human history, and safer than current wind, solar and hydroelectric power.

[–] Brainsploosh 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)


That's almost an hour of soldiers at the current casualty rate

[–] Brainsploosh -3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

With the new tech, that is mostly true, the 70s tech is like the first of any tech: unwieldy, hard to control and very inefficient in both production and retirement.

Compare the first x-ray machine to a modern PET-scanner. The former caused cancer in fetuses and caused radiation poisoning through walls, the latter is a clean cellular resolution scanner that can be serviced and recycled as well as most anything.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Brainsploosh to c/cooking

I've been asked to make a Thai Red curry with chicken for a larger party, and they've asked for the soup to be of variable spicyness.

I was thinking that maybe I could do the soup mild, and have an additive with extra spice.

I could go with chilli oil ofc, but I'd prefer to have the richness of the red curry flavors if possible.

Is there a good way to make some kind of red curry seasoning? Do I just offer the guests red curry paste to mix into the soup, or should I mix it with something?

Scaling preparations (self.smallbusiness)
submitted 8 months ago by Brainsploosh to c/smallbusiness

What do you do to prepare for scaling up?

We're a B2B engineering consultancy mostly selling hours and are currently gearing up to hire our first full timers beyond the founders, and boy is it scary.

We've identified a path to on-board and train them, and feel confident about that at least.

But how do you navigate taking on the extra workload so as to not overwhelm the existing staff, but also not having too little work with an extra salary to cover?

What systems should/can we prepare for quality management, book keeping, invoicing, quoting, etc? Our ideas currently seem either too heavy handed or too flimsy to scale with the 50-100% growth.

How much are we overthinking, and what are we forgetting?

Reading tips for B2B consultancy (self.smallbusinessowners)

I'm looking for new reading recommendations, specifically for stuff applicable to B2B technical/engineering consulting.

We're a small business selling engineering hours for a niche building discipline (noise design/acoustics engineering), and I find it difficult to apply many of the most common books to our situation.

I'll happily take any recommendations you have, especially about growth, early organisation, and first employees. But anything on topic would be awesome.


When replying to a post or comment I get the option to save my draft if ever I exit the reply. Stupendous feature!

But I'm pretty sure I've forgotten to go back at least some times and will have unfinished drafts saved somewhere.

Is there a way to check on these and/or remove these?

Do they get auto-removed, and when?

Or will they be stuck clogging up my device data until the end of times?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Brainsploosh to c/boostforlemmy

In the sidebar you can choose Subscribed/Local/All in the top bit, and then again in the comms list.

On top of this, Local and All show up twice in the comms list on one of my accounts.



When logging out and in, my Favorited communities are removed and I have to add them manually again.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Brainsploosh to c/boostforlemmy

Bug: My subscriptions don't show up on any of my accounts.

After the update I tried to access my account but not being logged in, my subscriptions didn't load for that account.

I've since tried to relog into that account but failed, and after that I've had no subscriptions in my list on any account.

Posts still load correctly in the subscribed feed.


One of my favorite creators made a little vlog [3:33] about finding herself a stick on a gloomy day.

I just found it today, and thought it might delight this comm.

Hope you enjoy.

Dark omens (
submitted 11 months ago by Brainsploosh to c/justpost

It would be nice to carry my subscriptions over between alts somehow, as well as being able to share a curated list with a friend.

Thank you for all your work, Boost is the Best.

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