
joined 2 years ago
[–] Alteon 2 points 2 weeks ago

I really need a Republican to define what "strong" means in this context. He ran without a solid platform, everything he has done has been destructive and harmful to our country. He's made enemies of our allies, allies of our enemies, and has placed his unqualified sycophants in positions of power. What about any of that shows "strength"?

[–] Alteon 15 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

You mean the guy that gargled Trump's balls every morning on Twitter when he first woke up...? I mean, without fail, that guy would felate the Orange Clown every fucking morning.

You'd be hard-pressed to pick a bigger brown noser....and he's getting out in charge of the FBI. This is a fucking circus. I'm so glad that educated, accomplished, career women and minorities are getting fired so that Sideshow Bob can take the reins.

[–] Alteon 12 points 2 weeks ago

As an American that fully opposes 100% of what Trump is doing, PLEASE start preparing now. He's going to keep ratchet long the tension up until things start to escalate. It's his SOP.

But please also be advised that you have many, many allies state-side that will absolutely wreck the internal workings of the US if shit like this goes down. I'm fairly confident that there will be a full blown civil war here if anything ever pops off between the US and Canada.

[–] Alteon 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Even as a wildly left progressive, this isn't cool. Conservatives are necessary as a counterpoint to progressivism in general. Differing views are a good thing as long as they can still work together at the end of the day. Conservatism in general is not a bad thing at all.

Conservatives =/= Trump Fans

That said, when one group starts stripping the rights of others, whitewashing history, and eliminating free speech? Then yeah, resistance becomes necessary to enact change. And I sincerely hope that the people stripping rights remember that resistance is not always peaceful.

[–] Alteon 9 points 2 weeks ago

I guarantee they will always find a way to pay homage their golden idol.

[–] Alteon 5 points 2 weeks ago

No, it's intended to show their real intent. He has an entire PR team dedicated to trying to make him appear intelligent, competent, and in control. However his actions speak so much louder than words. He's barely able to contain himself. Luckily, his living flak jacket that he wears around is learning to speak and his hilariously repeating all of the things he says in private.

[–] Alteon 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ah, that reads exactly like, "Democrats need for abortion (i.e. killing babies) was more important than winning."

My bad! 😆

[–] Alteon 10 points 2 weeks ago

So do you agree with Trump's statement that Zelenski started this war, or are you able to correctly identify that that is 100% Kremlin-pushed disinformation?

[–] Alteon 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

You mean the "rights of women"? I'm sure you've heard all of the arguments already, but here we go:

  • 99% of pregnanies are performed before 20 weeks. Typically right around the time it's been discovered.
  • Anything beyond that is almost always due to the loss of the child or discovery of a fetal abnormality.
  • Restricting abortion limits personal freedom, disproportionately affects low-income women, and can force individuals into unsafe medical situations or unwanted pregnancies that impact their lives, careers, and families.

There is no good reason to restrict abortions. The world is not a better place when unwanted children are brought into it, especially when the people that are pushing to ban it don't want to offer any sort of governmental assistance to deal with said child. It almost feels like the intent isn't to help the baby, that it's more of a punishment for the woman for being "immoral".

The reason why the "elite" want to ban it is because it easily destroys your potential to get ahead. They don't want an educated populace, they want a multitude of dumb, cheap labor, and restricting abortion is an extremely easy way to get that. Also by getting conservatives to hyperfixate on this issue (and things like LGBTQ rights), it draws attention away from wealth inequality, labor right, and other systemic issues.

[–] Alteon 54 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

You know....I kinda think it's time we tell him to pound sand. Fucking seriously, who's going to enforce it? The defunded letter agencies?

[–] Alteon 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Per Ballotopedia: "The average turnout in the seven presidential battleground states was 70% in 2024. This was below the 2020 average, which was 70.7%. "

One additional thing....Trump won every battleground, but somehow Democrats won pretty much every down ballot race in those states. I don't believe for a second that someone voting Democrat down the board is going to vote Trump...a few voters will sure, but not enough to swing nearly every down ballot race....that's absurd.

[–] Alteon 8 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

I guarantee that a Federal Judge will force the rehiring of the staff shortly. There's no way they can't juat fire everyone from this Department.


Picture is from the 2023 Paris Airshow


Hello everyone!

I'm looking for suggestions in how we can grow and develop this community. We have a chance to develop something interesting and the impetus of this change will rely upon all of us to make it happen. Are there any ideas that you'd like to see implemented here? Community events? Challenges? Support?

I'd love to see this place flourish, and anything that I can do to draw interest would be fantastic.

Thanks for your suggestions!


My local board game shop sells Nemesis lockdown and I'm trying to decide if I should buy it or not. The game looks awesome, however, it's a little pricey.

Heard some people state that lockdown was a little harder to learn, and then they'd recommend newer players learn the original prior to getting the lockdown version.

I did have a few other questions about it though. Do the expansions work with lockdown? Is there any additional player expansions that you can add on to it? We have a gaming group regularly with 5 to 7 people, it'd be really nice if we could fit those additional two people on.


I understand that this could be rather controversial, but I feel like AI is coming whether we wanted to or not. I know some companies have already started taking steps towards AI and automation in general, others are avoiding it until it becomes more robust.

How have you or your company integrated AI into your workflow so far?

Do you believe that you've benefited from the use of AI at your workplace, or do you feel like it's introducing more problems than it's solving?


The goal was to time how long it took you to generate the model on your first attempt. It relied on user honesty as you don't really win anything, but atleast you could see how you stacked up against other CAD users.

You can confirm if you have the right design by checking the Volume of your component after you feel that you've "completed" the design.

I've done this one before. It's very fun.

If your interesting in trying it out, post your time below. I'm curious to see how you guys do. I'll post my time on Monday.


I've been interested in possibly pursuing a new business opportunity doing this. I've noticed that almost every single company is interested in automation, however very few people within the company are actually able to do something along these lines as it's a twofold problem: you need someone that's extremely proficient in both CAD software and coding. And I'm not talking about just configurable parts, I'm talking full assemblies that have logic built into them, capable of updating or generating full drawings.

So I really wanted to gauge how often you guys have been exposed to it, and I wanted to know how many people in your company are likely even capable of doing it.

In my company of around 50-60 engineers, there are about 3. The third one would likely struggle a bit, but he'd likely be able to figure things out after enough time on forums.


Hello everyone, there's nothing here yet, but I want/need this community within Lemmy. Assistance is sometimes necessary to learn and grow, and I'm trying to stay off of Reddit - which can be difficult when you've got questions to ask or things you need to discuss.

I'm hoping that we'll be able to create a robust and thriving ME community. Let's make it happen!



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