
joined 2 years ago
[–] Alteon 2 points 2 hours ago

"I buy from companies who most closely match my ethics" is virtue signaling, now?"

That's well said. And good on you for sticking to your guns. You are 100% right. I think if you can afford to avoid these companies you should.

[–] Alteon 26 points 9 hours ago (5 children)

Pretty much anything that you've ever owned has been made from the exploitation of some working class somewhere. The clothes you wear. The house you live in. The electronics that you use. The furniture that you own. The very food you eat and drink is often cheap because of an exploited worker somewhere that's paid pennies on the dollar. Your going to draw the line at a drastically cheaper car that's leaps and bounds better for the environment than a petrol vehicle? Okay.

[–] Alteon 10 points 9 hours ago

We already know how to prevent more extinctions. Better environmental laws, more green spaces, better conservation efforts, less suburban sprawl, etc. You know, things that will never happen.

[–] Alteon 2 points 1 day ago

Who could have ever predicted such a predicament? Color me shocked! Shocked I say!

[–] Alteon 2 points 2 days ago

This is a straight propaganda piece.

Biden made this exact deal with better terms and more border personnel guarantees from Mexico.

Trump certainly made more noise but got a worse deal out of this. The residents aren't "thankful" for Trump's pressure - this is the goofiest fucking thing I've ever read. Following that, I'm surprised there wasn't a line about big, strong men in tears thanking God for Donald Trump.

Just ignore this...

[–] Alteon 21 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Elf Comic (Merrivius)

[–] Alteon 4 points 2 days ago

Those policies result in shit like this: ...and that was murder.

The language used by the state, that they are less than human, that they are evil, that they are less than human....leads to shit like this. Act dense all you want, but you know you're wrong.

[–] Alteon 13 points 3 days ago (40 children)

What's wrong with the artist?

[–] Alteon 11 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

You can "believe" all you want in your happy little make-believe bubble, but the facts are that conservatives are trying to ban, restrict, redefine, and remove trans people from getting healthcare, from being referenced in media or schools (censored), and removing them from the military.

Here's the list from the ACLU of all 456 anti-LGBTQ bills in the US.

Yeah, conservatives are so tolerant....

...oh. And there's never been a law to force people to use correct pronouns. Ever. There's never been an effort to "force" anyone or do anything. People were simply asking for you to respect them by using preferred pronouns. Asking for people to respect them as a human being is apparently an affront to US Conservatives.

[–] Alteon 10 points 4 days ago

So many penises....

[–] Alteon 3 points 4 days ago

Yup. Those are our Trump Supporters. They think he's just swell.

[–] Alteon 1 points 4 days ago

Speaking as an American...we are apparently a country full of uneducated, greedy people.

Can't have my taxes to feed people because they might not 'deserve' it.

Can't have my taxes going to another country to prevent their genocide...because what are we getting out of it?

Fucking un-empathetic people. Sure, we have problems here, and yeah, we really need to do things to make them better. But fucking destroying our government from the inside and destroying any goodwill we had with other countries...all in the name of saving a bit on taxes is....just insane. Like, I have no words for how dumb it is. It's appalling.


Wanted to ask about this. I do not work in California, however many of our vendors and customers are seeking to swap to MIL-PRF-8625 Type II, when they historically used Type I.

I'm totally on board with this - anything I can do to push safer, less environmentally destructive processes is a win in my book. But I understand that not all companies are interested in jumping ship so fast.

So I wanted to ask, what's your companies take on it? Did you know about the industry phase out?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Alteon to c/mechanical_engineering

The US Space Force is tracking 20 pieces of debris from the Intelsat 33e.


I've been dealing with this for months. I've received yet another drawing from a company calling "Diameters on a common axis/center to be 0.XX" TIR U.O.I. "

Total Runout requires a Datum. Your "common axis" is not a datum and can not referenced. It's driving me mad. Like, where did everyone get this notion that it's acceptable? It'd be one thing if it was just one or two drawings, but I'm into the dozens at this point. It's getting to the point that I'm starting to question if I'm either the one in the wrong or everyone has some sort of mass psychosis.

Am I in the wrong here?


Scientists and engineers have successfully tested a high-powered laser weapon mounted on a British Army combat vehicle.

According to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and the Ministry of Defence (MOD), this trial marks the first instance of such a weapon being fired from a UK land vehicle.

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