My man Pedro isn't in a hurry to die this time.
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By now I've learned to enjoy each season like it's the last one and just don't expect the story to continue. Good show is a show that ends each season in a meaningful way. Carpe episodiem people. Carpe episodiem.
Well with this one you could just play the game. It’s incredibly enjoyable.
I very much enjoyed the television series but the game itself never clicked with me.
Don't know why you are being down voted for respectfully sharing your opinion.
So good with all the lights off with 7.1 surround sound all the way up.
And no one else home. That's an essential step. Without anyone there to let your mind assure you the fright isn't real, there's also no one there to hear you whimper, either. Win/win.
For future reference, carpe is the second-person singular present active imperative of carpō ("to pick or pluck") and strictly means "to enjoy, use, make use of" with an implication closer to rape/molest than to seize, per se.
Just sayin'.
Exactly what I meant, 'enjoy the episode'.
im not convinced season 2 will be that good. gosh.. to me it feels like season 1 ended before the real world ukraine war.. but actually the last ep was released 12 Mar 2023....
This timeline keeps on surprising us newcomers. 😅😶
At least Bella Ramsey has more time to grow.
That's a bit of a shame as the actress who plays Ellie will definitely look much older in season two. The curse of success?
Edit: never mind, it won't matter for multiple reasons.
She's supposed to look older, 14 vs 19.
I’m not sure that either of their ages is crucial to the plot of part 2 are they?
The time frame between the games could stand a two year delay but not much more than that imo.
It's kinda important that Elle is older. I think it'd be fine even if she were 10 years older. It'd be weird >!if a kid has a serious relationship and starts a family.!<
Bella Ramsey is 20 years old.
She's older than I thought, so maybe the point is moot
I think it's worth remembering that they started on Game of Thrones over 7 years ago. 2016 was their first appearance as Lyanna Mormont.
Like the other comment said, there's actually about 4-5 years that lapse between part 1 and 2. At the start of part 2, Ellie is definitely no longer a young teenager. Think I've read she's 21 by the end of part 2.