Going Postal, Thief of Time and Small Gods are probably my three favorite. Except for Monstrous Regiment. And the Tiffany Aching subseries. And... you know it's kind of like picking your favorite pastry at the good bakery in town. We're not suffering for a dearth of good discworld books.
Comedy + genre (Fantasy, Horror, and Science-fiction)
- comedy fantasy
- comedy horror
- comedy science-fiction
- comedy superhero (usually a mix of fantasy and sci-fi)
In books, films, comics, and whatever media it comes in. If it's fantastical and funny, it goes here.
Elsewhere in the Fediverse:
- [email protected] (Comedy + Fantasy)
- [email protected] (Comedy + Sci-fi)
- [email protected] and [email protected] (Comedy + Sci-fi)
- Follow lemmy.world's guidelines - it's their house, their rules
- If it doesn't give the genre in the suggested title, add it in: (Comedy+ Fantasy + Horror + Sci-fi) delete what doesn't apply
I'm still early in the series, The Light Fantastic to be exact. But wow do I love this series. Whenever I want a nice light read to laugh with I pick it up and read a couple chapters.
You're in for an absolute treat, I would love to be able to read through the series for the first time again
Going postal and the Watch series are my favorite. Ofk the books, not the TV stuff.
It's easier to say which ones are not my favorite (Colour of Magic, Light Fantastic, Eric {to be fair, Eric is an excellent Faustian parody}). I would pay to see Pyramids or Small Gods done faithfully on the big screen. If BBC or ITV could do a Watch or Wizards miniseries at the same quality as Hogfather that'd be cool. Sky1 did Going Postal dirty tho.
We don't talk about The Watch on TV
I still have physical copies of the first two point and click adventure games from the psx era. Been trying to find a copy of the last one, but it never had a US release afaik. And I have a copy of the color of magic signed by the man himself. I had the luck to meet him at an event when I was pretty young.
Do you know the name of the last one? I know you’re probably looking to collect the physical release but I could probably find a digital copy for you if you want it.
Would love a series following Death, love the peaks that heavily feature/focus on that character. With a decent budget I do like all the Rincewind novels, featuring the luggage, feel like they're very filmic and should make good tv. Easy to interpret, solid humour, sets the scene for the world really.
Hogfather is a holiday ritual for me