They are likely quitting because you are not putting forth an effort to build trust with people who are different to you(you’re favouring genx within just a few sentences so that is saying loads about where your glaring blind spots are).
Bad management is indeed the leading cause of unemployment
It’s also possible If genz are unhappy, so are genx. You’re just seeing through the lens of a manager.
Genx have just been soul destroyed enough (due to years Of being told bad management is part of working, a concept handed down by the boomers to make genx more pliable) to not have any standards to quit which is problematic because they are more likely to sit through abuse without reporting it causing a missing stair syndrome which anyone else is easily picking up on and not wanting to deal with all the fixing of alone.
So just cuz a genx doesn’t quit doesn’t let you off the hook. You all just found your level. It’s not a good level.