this post was submitted on 13 Sep 2023
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[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I guess we'll find out if those F-Zero and Donkey Kong rumours were true.

[–] picandocodigo 8 points 2 years ago

Please F-Zero 🀞

[–] TheTim 3 points 1 year ago

LOL well, they were both technically correct.

The best kind of correct?

[–] toasty_mcboost 7 points 2 years ago (1 children)

My moonshot wishlist includes -Metroid prime 2 -Legend of Zelda windwaker/twilight princess

Not expecting anything for the Switch 2 as Nintendo wouldn't compromise holiday sales. Just just regular Switch releases this year and early next year stuff.

[–] slimerancher 2 points 2 years ago

Metroid Prime 2 shadow drop would be nice.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

F Zero X remake please. original was already 60fps, so upgraded graphics and the original soundtrack in full stereo and full 30 player online. Sounds good to me.

[–] funnystuff97 5 points 1 year ago


[–] Carighan 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I wonder, if the rumors about the Switch 2 are actually true - which so far I don't think they are simply because it's a Boy Who Cried Wolf thing by now - then at some point they ought to start firing up marketing for it. Remains to be seen whether anything official pops up in this, because by you'd think it would.

[–] bobdowl 20 points 2 years ago (1 children)

They would never hurt their Christmas sales by announcing anything officially until the beginning of next year.

[–] slimerancher 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I was thinking they could announced it and say it would be fully backward compatible, so it won't effect their games sales, but it would still effect their hardware sales, so I guess you are right.

[–] NewNewAccount 3 points 2 years ago

They could drop the price of the Switch to $200 and grab up the people that have been on the fence due to price.

[–] picandocodigo 7 points 2 years ago

The good sign -to me- is if they're still hyping up major Switch games so late in the game, it probably means whatever comes next will be backwards compatible.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago

I mean i’m sure it’s reasonably far into the development by now. The only questions are, is it going to be backwards compatible with the Switch, and is it coming out next year?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Super Mario RPG! That's pretty hype to me.

Hoping by the end of this we get a shadow drop of Prime 2 remake and/or Prime 4 news

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

@frank @picandocodigo

I'm looking forward to that one too.

Eiuidoyn Chronicles
Deca Police( Not Announced today)
Metal Slug Tactics (Not Announced today)
The new Atlus Tactics game

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Probably not gonna happen this time, but I predict an announcement early next year for release within the year.

[–] Brodude 4 points 2 years ago

For sure they don't want to ruin xmas sales. It would be very dumb to announce a new hardware before the end of the year.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I’m guessing January announcement and releases in April. Makes me wonder what games will be day one release? Metroid, a 3D Super Mario, but surely not a Zelda game. Unless it’s a remake of a game.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think instead of a new 3D Mario right away we'll get a port of Wonder, especially if it's not backwards compatible. If that's the case, that BotW demo they supposedly showed off at Gamescom may be a hint at a BotW port, though why they would port BotW instead of TotK at this point would be beyond me, especially when BotW was a launch title for their previous console. A different Zelda remake may be a good bet, like an HD/4K version of one of the N64 Zeldas. I still think the new F-Zero may be saved as a launch title for the new console to show off the new hardware. Either way, they need a solid, brand new entry in one of their big franchises or something new and original (a "killer app") to promote immediate adoption, especially if they're apparently releasing so many good games to sunset their previous console. They can't make the same mistakes in the launch lineup that they did with consoles like the GameCube and Wii U.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

No way they don't have a new 3d mario for a launch title. It's been 6 years since Odyssey. And they definitely need something like that for the launch. They obviously won't have a new Zelda so Mario is pretty much the only thing they could do. Also maybe Metroid Prime 4, but Metroid hasn't really been a system seller. Also maybe a bit too soon for a new Animal Crossing.

[–] Lehulk 2 points 1 year ago

Oh my… I gasped when I saw another Code, and gasped even more when they announced the sequel was included in the remake. Best day ever, I had kept my old Wii to play this game with my daughter but I won’t even need that anymore !