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[-] funnystuff97 6 points 2 weeks ago

"Moist cookies." -Grandma

[-] funnystuff97 41 points 2 weeks ago

If that ain't the truth. Moved across the state to find work, and obviously my old buddies can't invite me to as many things anymore. But seeing them all on a call together playing video games without even a heads up hurts a smidge.

[-] funnystuff97 3 points 2 weeks ago

Fun Fact: In California, a frog that dies in a frog jumping contest cannot legally be eaten. It, and this is from the state code verbatim, "must be destroyed immediately".

More weird (and some fake) laws in this Huggbees video!

[-] funnystuff97 8 points 3 weeks ago

I bet I'd still have trouble finding that cache.

Biggest I've ever found was a tupperware, one that you use to take home leftover cake.

[-] funnystuff97 13 points 4 weeks ago

1 fl oz (volume) of water weighs about 1 oz (weight). It varies depending on a bunch of stuff, ya know, cause imperial sucks, but I believe the standard rate is 1 fl oz weighs about 1.043 oz. So assuming beer has similar density as water, 22 fl oz would weigh somewhere around 23 oz.

(Some Google searches show that some definitions of fl oz has it as 1 fl oz = 30 ml exactly, but I'm starting to confuse myself and you know how infuriating imperial is.)

[-] funnystuff97 3 points 1 month ago

I can't believe I actually counted.

[-] funnystuff97 1 points 1 month ago

I can see it from

[-] funnystuff97 5 points 1 month ago

Randall has somehow weaponized my love for the Blue Ball Machine. He is a threat to us all.

[-] funnystuff97 8 points 1 month ago

I don't think that's necessarily true. Water will reach its own level so to speak, if a developer releases a game that is far too much for a majority of gamers to run, those gamers won't buy the game and it won't sell. Obviously that also isn't always necessarily true, but enough terribly optimized games have released recently to be met with 40% rating on Steam that I'd like to think this is the case. Are some developers going to do it anyway? Absolutely, but that's true regardless. I think that no matter what, indie developers will always tend to keep their games lightweight either by principle or by design necessity, and bigger game studios would also sorta get the message and keep their games reasonable. With obvious exceptions... goddamn 400 GB games these days.

[-] funnystuff97 16 points 1 month ago

"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."

-Groucho Marx

submitted 4 months ago by funnystuff97 to c/[email protected]

Created using Bing Image Generate. Inspired by Twitch streamer and YouTuber Simpleflips, and his love of Ligma jokes. Shoutouts to Simpleflips.

Maybe next someone can make a Mind Goblin.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by funnystuff97 to c/geocaching

I mostly use c:geo, which shows caches that a free Geocache account on the official app won't, except Premium-only caches, which are designated by the cache owner. (That is to say, the official Geocache app won't show free accounts caches above a certain difficulty/terrain, but you can find them online, and there's no way at all for a free account to find premium-only caches.)

I'm sure most of you already knew that though. For those of you who currently pay for premium or have paid in the past, did you think it is/was worth it? $40 USD a year doesn't seem like that much, but I'm mostly against all kinds of subscription models across the board. I've been told that a majority of caches are Premium-only, but I have no way to determine if there are a significant number of Premium-only caches around me, so I can't make any informed decisions in that regard.

So, what are your thoughts? Worth buying, or worth sticking to a free account?

submitted 8 months ago by funnystuff97 to c/mildlyinfuriating

Description: A freebooting Twitter account (very likely without permission) posts a screenshot of a TikTok with no credit and gets millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes. The creators of the original video respond, and get next to no views. (And currently have 6 likes on the tweet.)

As a side note, go watch Almost Friday TV, their videos are hilarious and incredibly well directed:

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