"Haha very cool, so what's your home address?"
" (・o・) "
Only the hottest memes in Cybersecurity
"Haha very cool, so what's your home address?"
" (・o・) "
Yeah, I'd expect DutchBI! open up
AIVD, open up! As we say here
In naam van Oranje, doe open de poort
In naam van de republiek bedoel je, vuile orangerist!
I thinks it's more about getting a gesture of gratification. Most hackers would probably get sued instead 😅
Probably not for informing people about vulnerabilities, especially if they don't publish it before talking to the government.
You really want to reward grey hats that tell you about security issues,
Yes but sadly that's not what happens.
For example there was a security researcher that found out, the official api of some political party site here in Germany was leaking user data. Instead of thanking them an mitigating the issue, the researcher got sued and it was just dropped because of the public outcry.
True, the CDU is a fossil and values apperance over progress.
I mean, they have "------ian" in the name of the party, obviously they're knuckle draggers.
Anybody named Ian: ...
cough Modern Solution GmbH cough
I would absolute love the shit out of that :-D
That's fucking rad. Kooniglijke dank u.
Well I haven’t hacked the Dutch government and I don’t have a shirt.
I haven't either, but if you go into enough souvenir stores in Utrecht...
This is hilarious but why would they make it in English?
Lots of Dutch people speak English, and sadly its more convienient in our global world to print things like this in English.
That is such a boss t shirt. Hats off to you.
Don't think it's Boss, it's probably unbranded
Honorably offended.
Good work!
Both but I would still laugh a bit