I think the success of this hateful rhetoric right now (across the world, not just in the US) is proof enough that absolutely no one has any clue on how to handle any of this.
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In the country that made its first amendment to its constitution protection of the press, this doesnβt seem at all contradictory.
I am not sure, but i think you have the wrong community for this topic.
We already tried on making a "Bias fact check Bot aggregator" but it got.... i would say best case not welcomed. Because some people were offended that their favorite News outlet got not favorable rating in one of the aggregated sources.
but i think you have the wrong community for this topic.(...) We already tried on making a "Bias fact check Bot aggregator" but it got.... i would say best case not welcomed.
I wouldn't know which other forum I could use, as my question is to Mods and members.
The mediafact bot was unfortunately not very popular and not the most user friendly experience. But before it's introduction, most unreliable sources were addressed by mods anyway, and in most cases they still are. Iir, the mediabias & having good sources are still covered by community rules, with some room for interpretation ofcourse.
I'm just interested in having a conversation about this ( to me relevant)topic, and how mods and involved posters were handling it.
Basically, I was comforted by the first comment, the one describing that seemingly, the whole world is having a hard time "dealing with it".
Personally, I find myself reluctant to simply just post any sensationalist post, which would only lead to more polarisation, regardless the media outlet. On the otherhand, some news while still polarising could add to new relevant pov or offer new information. That's how I probably will handle it. Any other insights are most welcome.
I would guess if you want direct contact with mods of such communities, i recommend you the lemmy.world moderation discord. I can send you a invite over dm.
Its ok you made it here, but i personally would have done it in a news community ( in cooperation with the mods ) a pinned post about their experience or thoughts on this process.
Because there will be less interaction here as this community is used when something broke, needs help ( related to Lemmy.world ).
You would have a lot more interaction speaking directly to users of such communities that are focused on news.
Thanks for your kind response and advice. I will see how things develop and eventually contact mods.
Example of some recent titles
"The US is now the enemy of the west" ( FT),
" Trump: EU was formed to screw USA β and theyβve done a good job of it "
Again, not judging, just to clarify my question.