
joined 1 year ago
[–] Serinus 2 points 2 minutes ago

I think it's both. I think the base is state-sponsored propaganda, and it attracts some confused Westerners who want attention for being different.

[–] Serinus 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

AIPAC is American money.

$5 million from WhatsApp, $2m from Home Depot, half a million from Kraft.

[–] Serinus 9 points 1 day ago They have a reputation to keep.

[–] Serinus 2 points 1 day ago

It's tiered pricing. All the chains are doing it now. Jump through hoops or pay double.

[–] Serinus 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's been pretty incredible. He started from absolutely nothing, just ground the everliving hell out of the game, and after a year he's... good.

[–] Serinus 1 points 4 days ago

Resonated with him too, if you know what I mean.

[–] Serinus 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

A friend's kid brought home Covid and they didn't catch it because they masked up for a few days in their house.

[–] Serinus 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I had actually bought masks in 2018 because I was tired of getting sick every third flight. And then chickened out and didn't wear them because it just wasn't done at the time, at least outside of Asia.

Ended up donating that box to my primary care when supplies were short at the beginning of Covid.

[–] Serinus 18 points 5 days ago (3 children)

It does both. Others more than you, yes, but it does help both ways.

[–] Serinus 21 points 5 days ago (14 children)

I was traveling recently and got so many dirty looks for wearing a mask, only one at O'Hare.

And then I didn't wear it enough and caught covid for the first time. (I should have known better in cramped tourists spots). Then I had a reason to wear it, especially while temporarily homeless.

[–] Serinus 3 points 5 days ago

A drag queen? I bet he was a drag queen. I've been told they're corrupting our kids.

[–] Serinus 18 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Just because of the whole murder thing? It was legal!


I recommend AntennaPod, an open source podcast player.

Patch 14.13 Preview (self.leagueoflegends)
submitted 1 week ago by Serinus to c/leagueoflegends

Matt Leung-Harrison @RiotPhroxzon Patch 14.13!

Will chat about champions tomorrow.

Domination Keystone Pass

  • This patch we're taking a swing at differentiating Electrocute and Dark Harvest, making Electrocute more of an early game focused rune and having Dark Harvest lean more into the stacking fantasy
  • Simultaneously, there is a stretch goal to have Dark Harvest be better for laning champions by bringing the cooldown down so it can stack more quickly
  • We're simultaneously changing several Dark Harvest users, so trying to be a bit more risk averse here


  • Opportunity has become the default choice for many Pro ADC's particularly as the games are slower and they are more reliant on high impact, low frequency moments
  • We think the gap between Opportunity and other Lethality items could be reduced some, so we are nerfing the item for Ranged champions, while leaving melee intact


  • Kalista Varus have been some of the stronger Pro champs for a while
  • At the same time, we expect Ezreal to enter the meta in a big way in 14.12 (already seeing play in 14.11) and we haven't seen him for a while
  • We are looking at some changes to Varus to make him a little less valuable in Pro while still retaining both of his builds in some capacity
  • Right now, Lethality is clearly the best build though and we're looking to make on-hit more competitive


  • We're choosing to nerf several of the champions who buy Fated Ashes items, as we believe the items are in a reasonable spot.
  • We're also trying to be a bit more cautious with these changes as surrounding systems like Domination keystones are changing and we can't rule out changing Fated Ashes at a later stage

Arena Overall, Arena balance feels like it is in a good spot, props to the team for diligent followup here. How has the experience been with 16 bans?

Our main focus with this set of changes was to audit any Arena specific buffs and nerfs to target satisfaction of abilities that are baseline weaker in the mode due to less champions or map traversal value, like Taliyah R, Kassadin E, etc.

  • Buffs: Back to Basics, Demonic Embrace, Overlord's Bloodmail, Detonation Orb, Akali, Blitz, Yone, Azir, Corki, Heimerdinger, Kai'sa, Taliyah, Kassadin, Rek'Sai

  • Nerfs: Kha'Zix, Sylas, Pyke, Kayn, Hamstringer

  • Adjustments: Vi (making the spell have value at rank 1 again)


Check out these confirmed watch parties and meet up with fellow LCS fans for Opening Week! Outside of Opening Week, we’ll continue to add confirmed watch parties to this list throughout the Summer Split.

CA: GuildHouse, 420 S 1st St, San Jose, CA 95113
FL: UCF Student Union, 3rd Floor, 12715 Pegasus Dr, Orlando, FL 32816
IL: Ignite Gaming Lounge, 8125 Skokie Blvd, Skokie, IL 60077
MO: Center Hall, 402 Kentucky Blvd., Columbia MO, 65201
NY: BrookLAN, 339 Troutman St. Brooklyn, NY 11237
NY: OS NYC, 50 Bowery, New York, NY 10013
WI: Isthmian Gaming Lounge, 2500 Rimrock Rd, Madison, WI 53713

As always, you can watch the LCS Broadcast on, YouTube, or Twitch. Co-Streamers will be making a return appearance during the Summer Split - stay tuned for that announcement.

  • Originally posted by "LCS Official"
Patch Notes 14.12 (
submitted 2 weeks ago by Serinus to c/leagueoflegends
Patch 14.11 Notes (
submitted 4 weeks ago by Serinus to c/leagueoflegends
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