In this thread: people that don’t know how franchises work, and think he is stealing from 7/11 corporate and not a couple of franchisees that may have to shut down for someone stealing their entire behind-the-counter inventory
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The guy behind the camera is a fucking cunt. Telling staff they can't do anything. Then after his beating helps him avoid the cops because he's his 'brother'. Fucking shameful.
... And at the very end, as he's being taken out of the store (by a remarkably level-headed and seemingly quite caring dude) - "hey man can I get a soda?" The fuck is wrong with these people
So satisfying to watch. I'm glad they went against the corporate policy and didn't let him get away with it.
So you admit that the corporation doesn't care, and you're just a bloodthirsty bootlicker? Pretty embarrassing admission there.
I-... Wait, what? Are you under the assumption I work for 7/11?
Do you have reading comprehension problems or something? You knew that corporate policies generally prohibit doing violence to shoplifters, because that's fucking psycho shit. Yet because you're a bloodthirsty, bootlicking fascist you decided to celebrate their depraved act anyway. You're sick.
Am I the only one thinking, "The second the police remove that guy from the store, those proprietors are picking up all that merchandise from the floor and from that dirty trashcan and restocking it on their shelves."?
Yeah no shit they are, I mean as long they didn't get smashed I see no problem with selling cigarettes that landed on the ground. Those guys had a bad enough day, they don't have to eat the inventory too.
Violence to protect the property of a corporation is gross.
In the last 5 years, I’ve lost my pharmacy, 2 grocery stores and a general store because scumbags steal so much the stores shut down. I now don’t have anything within 5 miles
It’s possible I should have more sympathy, but I don’t.
- those stores left because people stole
- people stole beautiful they were poor
- they're poor because the use designed certain parts of the country to be poor during segregation and they've never really recovered
- the US then slowly took away safety nets for those who have less, ESPECIALLY minorities.
- because of those same race reasons and because of the lobbyists from the motor transportation market which politicians allowed to become more involved in govt to make themselves more money, our cities are not walkable, and public transportation is not readily available
So most people steal because they can't get a job, they can't pay for anything, and they can't even travel to find a job, and they can't leave the area they're in, even to steal in other places.
So in no way is it their fault, and the answer is more ways to get food, shelter, and money in the US, not beat people to tears.
While I agree with your position that this is a result of all the bad policies of the past I think you are missing the other side of the equation where people who live in crime ridden areas and don't steal from stores or their neighbors lose food access and access to items they need to live when stores pull out of the worst areas. People steal in all areas not just 'poor' areas but poor areas are hit the hardest when it is no longer possible to buy food within 5 - 10 miles or to go to a shopping center and buy clothes or whatever else you need to function in society.
I live in one of the top 5 "worst" cities in the country and I am tired of having my stuff stolen. In the last month I have had a car stolen, a bicycle stolen, and several people climb over my 6' fence in the middle of the night to see what they can steal from my yard. This is just in the last month. The last 10 years have been an ongoing cycle of thefts, murders, muggings, and assaults. I don't know where you're from or what your situation is but I hope it is someplace better where you don't have to worry about these things and it's a place where you can go to the store and not worry about someone robbing the store while you are in it.
Also that guy didn't steal food. He tried to steal a 30 gallon trash can full of cigarettes that he filled up by walking behind the counter and emptied out the display rack.
I feel like you have an idealistic outlook on people in general. I used to also and still do to a point but at some point you have to acknowledge the fact that there are times and people that do not deserve to be shared in that outlook.
My grocery store didn’t shut down because of people stealing bread or lunch meat. It shut down because of people stealing laundry detergent, more expensive beauty products, carting out hundreds of pounds of meat at a time. They’d put shit behind glass and inconvenience everyone but the fuckers would break it and steal it anyway. There were people involved in an organized crime ring where theyd literally go store to store stealing Tide. There’s a black market for laundry detergent, meat, beauty supplies, deodorants, teeth whitening supplies etc.
People stealing bread and lunch meat to survive aren’t bad people. People like the guy in this video are the bad ones. I’ll turn my head if I see someone stealing food to survive but when I see assholes filling up suitcases, trashbags or an entire garbage can I literally don’t feel bad if they get smacked with a stick.
My stuff has been stolen too, out of my garage, my yard, you can’t have anything outside in some areas without assholes stealing it. I’ve had a bullet go through my window, neighbor’s car windows shattered. It’s rough in a lot of places, and losing our grocery stores and pharmacies and other businesses because of theft and violent crime makes it even harder.
Yes I can blame my government for a lack of safety nets, although my city has decent safety nets. My city needs to crack down on violent crimes. We need to do something about the drug addicts that smash and grab for a quick buck and organized crime. All of my neighbors work and live paycheck to paycheck and you don’t see us out there thieving and fucking our community over.
Like I replied to the other dude, I probably should feel bad but I just don’t. It’s different when you live it.
It's a nation wide thing I'm pretty sure. We have the same crime rings here that do the same thing. It's known as the homeboy shopping network around here. They steal it all then have other people (usually a girlfriend or hanger on) sell it on social media sites or on the street. I regularly see household cleaning items for sale in bundles on local facebook groups. I was just at Home Depot tonight and the woman at the self checkout told us that just before we came up to check out 4 people walked right out with full carts. It sucks and it costs all of us.
My neighborhood has been having a crime wave all summer and it's all 11 - 15 year olds committing the assaults, shootings, and thefts. The police say that is who stole our car and they have no hope of ever catching them and if they do catch them they won't face any real consequences. The police gave up here both because they are apathetic but also because the police murdered a guy a few years ago and are mad several of them got charged with his murder so they stopped policing. I've had to call 911 about 15 times this year and when I could get through the average response time was over an hour.
I have been lucky to live in all types of areas but I know people who have never lived in an area like this have this belief that everyone is good and deserves a chance. I no longer believe that. There are plenty of people that will harm you, steal from you, or kill you and not waste a moment thinking about it.
Almost all of the people on my block work hard for their stuff also and it kills me when one of us lose it to people who steal it from us.
Blame your city and state for allowing people to wallow in poverty. If desperation wasn't common, people mostly wouldn't take the risk.
Or you can fantasize about hurting other people. One of these options is sane.
Eh, if you're threatening people with violence while carrying weapons AND being a thieving dick, I don't mind this too much.
And that's given that the store is a huge corporation, which I don't know if it even is.
Bootlickers assault someone on behalf of a faceless corporation that would replace them in an instant. I worked retail for almost a decade and at every single place we were never supposed to confront a shoplifter let alone do violence to them, that means you get fired.
Edit: wow, y'all are psycho pieces of shit. I would never hire y'all.
I see it as a shop manager doing what the police and the thief's parents never did and actually punishing him for breaking the law. We're not talking about a poor guy trying to steal some food to get by, he's taking thousands of dollars worth of behind-the-counter merchandise to make a profit for himself. You probably think "oh well they have insurance" but when the insurance company pay out thousands for the lost merchandise, who do you think picks up the bill? The 7-11 does. Who do they pass that bill on to? The paying customer. So theft from this shop is theft from everyone who legitimately uses this shop. Then when those people see that prices here are double what they are at the supermarket, they don't shop here anymore, the store closes and the community is out of another resource.
The way I see it, the shopkeepers are not bootlickers at all, they're ensuring a community resource isn't lost, along with their own jobs, and that profiteering theves think twice about trying to do this again.
It’s probably the franchise owners. At the end of the day they themselves incur the loss, not 7-11. Franchise owners buy all their inventory and sell it, sending a percentage of sales or a flat rate to the franchise brand corporation. 7-11 doesn’t lose money if they get robbed
That dude looks homeless, he stole some food from a corporation, so he deserves his ass beat?? I think not.
Did you watch the same video as everyone else? He is clearly stealing cigarettes by the armful with a T-shirt over his head to try and hide his face.
Doesn't warrant getting his ass kicked. If I saw him doing it I wouldn't even stop him. The reason 7/11 makes you not go after them is because the loss they face for a theft is negligible and they don't want to deal with the liability. Dude smokes the cigs? Cool he got cigs. Still negligible losses for 7/11. Dude cells the cigs? Cool, now he has money to live, still negligible losses for 7/11, still doesn't warrant him getting his ass kicked.
Stealing from corporations who hoard wealth isn't stealing. It's taking back what's ours.
Cigarettes is a tough sell. If you see anyone stealing baby food, you didn't see anything. Same for diapers, soap, water, etc. I will never snitch on a mf tryna get by. This dude is tryna get cigarettes. Lmao
Exactly. People are trying to act like he's stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving children