
joined 1 year ago
[–] Shardikprime 11 points 6 hours ago

Of All the debates ever of all time, this has certainly been one

[–] Shardikprime 10 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

Even by Idiocracy standards, You people gotta recognize something. President Camacho.

Former pro wrestler turned porn star turned president. He dresses in American flag pants, he addresses the nation by dancing, singing, and firing a gun into the air and rallying them with his aggressively patriotic (if completely empty) rhetoric. He's energetic, likable, and absolutely captivating.

It's not just flash, by the way. Sure, he may drive a monster truck, and sure, he wears a giant medal around his neck.

But President Camacho's bombastic patriotism is not only inspirational and exciting and explosive, it's also an incredibly useful quality for a leader to have, especially for his situation. America was struggling through a time of unprecedented poverty and loss, but it had a leader who still thought America was the best place in the world.

It's not just President Camacho's patriotism that makes him a great leader. Eventually, in the movie, Joe is brought to the attention of President Camacho.

This weird-talking time traveler with his fancy ideas made it all the way to the White House, because an IQ test claimed he was the smartest man alive.

And when that happened, President Camacho did a remarkable thing. He recognized that Joe was smarter, and he bowed to his wisdom.

Everyone ,everyone, in the world of Idiocracy resented Joe, because he talked differently and because his ideas, to them, sounded crazy. They turned against him out of their fear, their pride, and their inability to understand him.

Everyone else, when faced with Joe's unconventional ideas, immediately went on the defensive and resented Joe. He didn't fit in with their weird hive mind of delusion and idiocy.

Yet for all of his pomposity and ridiculousness, Camacho had the clarity of mind to look beyond all that. What he saw was a man who was smarter than himself, and he had no problem humbling himself and saying "Let's trust the smart guy."

I want President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

[–] Shardikprime 14 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (6 children)

My god let the poor old man rest, this is senior abuse and torture at this point

[–] Shardikprime 4 points 1 day ago

They took the never tell me the odds two seriously

[–] Shardikprime 1 points 1 day ago
Wait what (
submitted 1 day ago by Shardikprime to c/memes
[–] Shardikprime 4 points 1 day ago

And people get mad at me when I say this is the real KILL BILL

[–] Shardikprime 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Harry, only a sith deals in absolutes. What I have told you is true, from a certain point of view. And always remember that my allegiance is to the truthful star wars, to democracy!

[–] Shardikprime 1 points 2 days ago

You sure? It's not clear cut for the eggsperts on the comments

[–] Shardikprime 1 points 2 days ago

Ayoo bro got that ancient drip

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[–] Shardikprime 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Still energy is being radiated. A mass loss has to occur for that

[–] Shardikprime 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

His delivery was everything. The way he carries on as if nothing can really bother him much was what sold the franchise for me

[–] Shardikprime 1 points 2 days ago

Upside down would be this hah

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