It says you can't have a race there, all lines are Finnish lines
Well y-wait a minute! You are not u/RimJobSteve!
Thanks now the stereoscope thing makes sense. I was freaking out thinking people were putting politics in medicine
I mean you should do it but not out of spite, or to be hurtful, but to give people the freedom to choose.
And to do that, they need to know what their government was up to.
Early game vil soldiers are a legit strat in the metagame
Plowing the field does that to you
What more endorsement does he need than the one gotten from the elections results?
To be honest, all that just seems like an incident blown out of proportion
As I see it, someone else is referring to this dude as papi, which is basically daddy but in Spanish, and then added a hashtag on Instagram that says "boricua", which might as well be related to food as the guy is apparently a chef?
It never says he is cosplaying as a Puerto Rican. At least in the picture they post, nor it looks like it's the intention.
Then there is a lot of people saying something about brown face or black face? What, can't people be tanned? Or somehow do they think everyone from LATAM is brown or black?
Taking inspiration from a demonic sigil, in this case odegra, to cause a circle of low-level evil to be produced around Paris by the motorists, and making it incredibly frustrating to drive on, seems hardly something to be happy about