To finally be free of Meta is going to be such a joy.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality - Quest, PCVR, PSVR2, Pico, Mixed Reality, ect. Open discussion of all VR platforms, games, and apps.
Did they just take Gabe follower's tweet and pad it out into an article? I don't see any actual reporting here.
I think I'm willing to pay this price IF: they commit to updates and expand on features to keep up with headsets like Metas or the vision pro in terms of capabilities (movies, virtual monitor, meetings etc). And second if: the specs are very good, especially the FOV and resolution
VR hardware is still expensive and a relatively niche market, so high prices are to be expected. Especially if the headset isn't subsidized by user data.
Valve does not bring out headset rapidly. If that is what you are looking for you will not find it from them.
I meant software updates
I that case they update steam software all the time so it should be the same.
And they have a good track record with the deck
Yes please, at this point they can have all my money if they give me a wireless VR headset that runs Linux and is powerful enough to run Half-Life Alyx.
This will be an amazing year for VR!
year of the linux ~~PC~~ VR
Damn this will be amazing!
I'll probably go for it, but my worry with standalone headsets is always the comfort. I can't wear something like a Quest 3 for longer than an hour or so because it puts too much weight on my face, while I could wear my Valve Index all day. I hope they've found a good solution for that issue on the Deckard.
I find the Quest 3 to be about the same as the index comfort wise, maybe a little better.
I guess everyone's head is different. The Quest headsets never worked for me, comfort-wise.
Can't come soon enough, meta needs more competition. Glad to see they've abandoned the knuckles controllers, Touch V2 was peak design IMHO.
I love the knuckles, by far the only good vr controller. I say this as a vr dev.
They worked ok in valve made demos and Alyx, but otherwise my experience was broadly a shit show of trying to remap, and dealing with ghost touches/glitching. I also had to RMA twice. Cool concept but badly implemented IMHO.
I was the worst use case with my sweaty hands and my only RMA was a result of the controller just being dirty. But after wearing gloves the knuckles work great, are intuitive, comfortable, easy to use and have hand tracking ontop of that.
I still believe this is misleading and the quoted $1200 is likely including a mini-pc running SteamOS, which makes the price much more reasonable. But lets see.
Yeah this will be a VR focused gaming PC you can strap to your face. This price is expected
I'd like the same, connected to my pc instead and cheaper.
I have serious doubts about it coming this year, but I'd definitely happily pay the price if it's good enough.
I'm excited for this! My Vive Pro 2 got me into VR and it's shortcomings got me out of VR. I'd like to get back in with a really great headset and no Meta
I just hope it will be possible to connect it to a PC (wired or wireless), and that we won’t have SteamOS-exclusive titles. I don’t know if I will upgrade directly, but I won’t be against upgrading from my Valve Index (especially if I can only change the headset first, and then the controllers at a later, just as I did from my HTC Vive).
SteamOS is just Linux. There can't be any SteamOS exclusive titles, at most there might be a requirement to dualboot Linux, but that is very unlikely as well.
It would be weird if they offered steam link for Quest but not for their own hardware. Stranger things have happened though.
It will be possible to connect it to the pc. That is what steam link is for.
There are already many steam-exclusive VR games, people just don't call them that because steam is the default anyways and no one even notices. It's not enforced like other exclusives are, but it doesn't need to be.
As long as you buy it through the steam store I'm sure valve doesn't care if it's on their new headset or not
Nice if the hardware will be "the best" ... but "not require a PC" can potentially allow for a lot of shitty manoeuvering space. What I'm saying is I don't want an Android os between me/my screens and my PC.
They have their own os: steam os.
Sure, but why say it runs Linux just to connect two or three things?
I just winced at that bcs why even say it like that if they don't plan for third parties to get on it too. And for that Android is the more logical choice - for non-Steam non-PC use.
I'm not saying I believe this, just "why would you state it like that", just say it supports PC and Steam Link (regardless on what OS is that).
@Evil_Shrubbery @MyOpinion having android on hmd not so bad if this android is not locked. But people keeps buying deadly locked devices from meta/bd, that dies if you don't give it internet access
Yes, I agree, the counterparty here is much less probable to be this level of shitty. But an HDMI cable is one simplicity.
I'm def not predicting anything horrible, just why not say more on the topic.
@Evil_Shrubbery note that HDMI is even more proprietary than android. IIRC some new HDCP version is impossible to implement in FOSS drivers
Yes, that is true.
The licence & terms situation with ports we use is disguising.