I met Bob Camp once and told him how these images of Ren and Stimpy are burned into my brain from childhood. His reply was "We call them Gross-Ups!".
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These eyes look like someone who has been awake for two nights on stimulants. This is something Musk is the type to do this in some mania chasing productivity. His incoherent ramblings at the time support this as well.
If "productivity" is posting on Twitter thousands of times over with "based" Nazi memes. Then yes. He's very productive.
Yes, it's not real productivity of course.
Yeah he's geeked out on Special K
Dude was blasted out of his gourd, Jesus Christ... good thing he's not in charge of the fucking Government!
If you been on ketamine, cocaine and alcohol the last week , one would look like that, probably hasn't slept for 1 week straight
I deserve to use drugs because I'm rich and I know what I'm doing. Peasants are the real drug abusers.
-Musk probably
He uses dom perrignon to come down on cocaine, and then chase it with ketamine
You can tell when he's K-holing because that's when he lets Trump have the mic
And you just know he's flying high while he has the kids on him, too... what a vile creature...
Edit: not saying this is universally a bad thing, depends on the drug and, most importantly, the parents. But in Musk's case, I can't imagine K mixed with an overinflated ego and the delusion of immortality fosters a safe environment for the wee'uns.
Edit: pot (heh) calling the kettle black corrected their errors.
He ditched his human shield on stage
He can't be around them sober is my guess. Not because he can't tolerate them but because the Elon the public/his kids see isn't really Elon. Dude is probably absolutely miserable depressed and pissy
Dude is probably absolutely miserable depressed and pissy
He's kinda in charge of fucking the government.
That's the joke.
(and his joke was switching the words around for a different meaning)
Seems like he’s been binging in response to being stressed out by something. Almost like he made promises he can’t keep to some very scary people and now the bills are coming due.
I have seen people mention ketamine in relation to Musk a couple times and I seem to be lacking some context. Is there any truth or evidence to the claim of is it humorous insult? He certainly looks blasted, but weed seems likely to me.
Weed doesn't make you all hyper, cocaine and alcohol fits the bill
Good point
The ketamine bit isn’t speculation at all, he’s publicly admitted to it and says he has a prescription. At his income bracket that basically means he wanted it, so he got it.
I agree that it’s probably not (only) ketamine giving him bloodshot eyes all the time, who knows what that is though.
'While Musk said he doesn’t drink and doesn’t “know how to smoke pot,”...'
Every JRE podcast listener knows that isn't true.
Thanks, didn't know about his "prescription"
Hope it kills him
Fortunately, and unfortunately, ketamine is rather safe. Just tell him to mix it with alcohol or grapefruit.
He does use cocaine
Tell that to Chandler Bing.
Get Musk a hot tub stat.
It's safe as a one off but consistent use can cause some pretty severe problems
It brings me some amount of comfort to imagine musk getting a jolt of horror every time he pisses blood.
This caused me to look up side affects, long list. Hope it hurts when he pees. He's definitely showing some symptoms:
holding false beliefs that cannot be changed by fact
unusual excitement, nervousness, or restlessness
He may be pissing blood now for all we know...
Here's to hoping 🥂
Same reason Jim Jones always wore sunglasses. Dude was relentlessly zonked out of his mind constantly.
Ah, Musk's own Gross-Up Close-Up
Did... Did you just link to TV Tropes? Do you realize what you've done?? You're now solely responsible for wasting thousands of man-hours. Oh, the humanity! 😫
I’ve been Living under a small rock - whats wrong with wormtongue’s eyes and why do they look like that?
Ketamine should not make your eyes red though.
Cocaine does
That's it. If Xi Jinping is Pooh then Elon is Stimpy from this day forth.
I've had open wounds less bloody than those eyes.