This is the way. The day ain't started until I have tachycardia*.
It's a dry heat!
And artistic license is a valid concept :P Unless you're actually expecting an abstract notion such as stock price to physically travel to the Earth's core.
Respectfully disagree, our interpretation of mathematics is secondary to the entirety of existence. "Normal" is most definitely not exclusive to mathematics, and thus, in this context, entirely unrelated.
Honestly, I would. In my opinion, if it exists, then it is normal.
Even what we perceive as shitty/horrid/weird/unorthodox is entirely normal, as everything is part of a deeply complex causal system. We may not fully grasp the tapestry of ramifications which lead to said causal normalcy, but, again, if it weren't normal, it wouldn't exist (to further entangle this, nothingness itself thus becomes normal).
Everything beyond that is our biased perception which births opinions. Nothing more. This is not to say that our opinions don't matter, as some aspects are more constructive than others (eg. honesty vs. deception, life vs. death, etc., and even these can switch places in the right context) and we have the power to act upon our opinions and directly influence the system of causality within which we exist, which we should do as often and as sincerely as possible.
I'm sure Brain Boy M(oll)usk will figure out a catastrophic way to achieve that...
"Below," not "beyond" :P Which, to my mind, means it would become submolecular, then absolutely negligible - basically non-existent!
Right?! Like, we have a fuckload of Nazis with our citizenships already! If anything, pulling something like this may help offset those numbers!
Go, baby, go! To the Earth's molten core and below!
Well, uh... the shower certainly has you covered on the water end, but doesn't it make the PB all runny and weird?
It's also further proof that I absolutely suck at identifying jokes:))
I apologise if I came off as too "dime store philosopher," this whole normalcy thing has deep roots in my conception. I've seen so many people haunted by the feeling of being abnormal (myself included, ngl), that it's become a sort of a nurturing instinct to try to dispel it as much and as often as I can.