I feel a bit sad for the NKs, you really have to wonder how much the world they know and if they’re really aware of what they’re even doing over there.
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how much the world they know
I heard some of them are able to have South Korean TV shows and movies smuggled in on flash drives. I only know this, because there are also stories of people being caught watching/in possession of the media and being sentenced to prison. Most recently I think 2 teenage boys were given 12 years hard labor
The ones they let out of the country are probably die hards that would turn in a friend who had one of those
from what im aware of those who are slightly more wealthy or live in border cities are more aware than ones who live off in the middle of nowhere. many of the North Koreans who live closer to the chinese border are related to or know a person whose greenlit to do business in China and return. Even theough chinas reletive censorship, its hard to not be able to learn about the rest of the world.
Usually the ones sent to war are poor people
Here's an interesting perspective that might answer those questions:
North koreans vacation in China and Russia.
I doubt that a large portion of north koreans is spending any time outside the country. It sounds to me like only the elite gets to spend time in foreign resorts.
... while one of his compatriots tried to kill himself by running into a pillar.
Quite the act of desperation.
Yeah that's kinda depressing.
And yet, it sounds like it could be a scene from Dr. Strangelove.
If I was North Korean, I wouldn’t want to waste food, either.
You might have a gun, but I have a sausage....... The Sausage is real!
But the cake is a lie.
fuck I lost the game
Iona Cleave is a former Sun 'journalist' so I'd take any articles written by her with a grain of salt.
And this is from the Telegraph, a right-wing newspaper. Unlike the Sun, though, it is an actual paper and not the kind of garbage you find stuck to the bottom of your shoe like the Sun.
My buddy recommended I watch this show because they knew I was interested in how North Koreans lived. I've read a few books in the past. It is very romance based, but it's supposed to be somewhat correct on how they lived when you read about interviews from defectors. It's a long drama, fr drama, so buckle up if you decide you want to go there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_Landing_on_You
If she wasn’t basically a princess, she would have been raped and shot.
That's not too far off from what the defectors were saying. Just like in the US and other militaries, there are rapists and murderers in every single one. We don't know how deep that goes? Maybe you do. It's pretty opaque to us.
Mostly I’m making a comment on class. Even when accidentally crossing into enemy territory, they can say “but I’m rich” and get out of anything.