How have I never heard of this show?
He has a record of watching fascist content while driving and killing a cyclist. I'm not inclined to give any benefit of doubt.
This shit is the basis for like 12 different dystopian sci-fi novels.
I know this is just some anti-science nonsense, but the term "cultivated meat" sounds to me like factory farming. Nobody minds the science when it makes giant-breasted chickens and perfectly marbled cattle that grow larger and faster than what should be naturally possible. What's the difference between cultivated meat in a petri dish or cultivated meat on an animal skeleton. Is it the pain that gives it flavor?
One could argue that the type of person who watches right-wing propaganda shouldn't be given authority of the state and a firearm. If he was watching cat videos, he would simply be a careless dipshit who killed someone because he's stupid. Instead, we know he is a careless dipshit who killed someone and is also a fascist piece of shit who shouldn't have been a cop in the first place.
That works if you live and work in an environment where you control who is in your space. That's not really an option for most people.
There is no reason for the death penalty. It does not serve justice. It does not act as a deterrent. It does not save cost.
I think in this case, you're witnessing the forces that shape the evolution of language. There are competing influences from wanting to be correct so that you are understood, and wanting to be convenient and flexible. People will resist change, because they have learned how to communicate and they would like others to follow the same conventions. Spelling and grammar drift, but a certain amount of rigidity is required to maintain the flow of ideas.
If a change is so convenient and easily understood that it spreads faster than the resistance can stomp it out, then the evolution may go entirely unnoticed. Consider the hyphen. Practically all of the previously-held rules about hyphen usage have gone the way of the dodo. Or you can start a sentence with a conjunction. You can even end a sentence with a preposition if that's what you're going for.
On the other hand, some people feel that spelling and grammatical errors are evidence of a lack of education. Some people like to feel superior by making other people feel stupid. Catching a mistake is like a trump card, especially when found during an argument.
In your example, I don't think "atleast" is significantly more convenient than "at least." It seems to me that it is more likely a typo than a deliberate conjunction or sincere misspelling. Contrast "atleast" with "alot," where the latter is frequently used by people who actually believe "alot" is one word. And guess what? Much to the chagrin of Ms. Brosh, the word "alot" has been used frequently enough to become a word that is defined as "a common misspelling of 'a lot.'"
So while I agree with your comment that language changes over time, and I think the comment calling the use of "atleast" a "Fail" is petty, I also don't expect that particular change to catch. As evidenced by your vote ratio, there are more people who don't like the change than there are people who will use it.
Every crisis is an opportunity.
It's a frustrating, thankless job, and you have to campaign to get it. With MAGA dipshits, it's even worse as the judges of elections get death threats and instigators trying to prove fraud.
"Adult dramas" don't need to be experienced on a big screen. In fact, I don't want some schmuck two rows down with his phone out while the annoying lady behind me keeps talking to the movie. Seeing these movies at home is objectively better.