There needs to he a general strike, or a left wing Trumpesque figure willing to run on the "make billionaires illegal" ticket, because this shit is getting ridiculous.
Pray for another Luigi soon 🙏
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There needs to he a general strike, or a left wing Trumpesque figure willing to run on the "make billionaires illegal" ticket, because this shit is getting ridiculous.
Pray for another Luigi soon 🙏
Yep. How quickly we could all change things if people could just abstain from the products and services these shit heads provide for even a couple months or maybe forever. Let these things fail and send a message. Instead everyone thinks their individual use of these services/products is insignificant.
owned four San Francisco’s worth of farmland.
I’m not from California. Could someone convert this into the standard American measurement: Football fields?
SF is 7mi X 7mi, so they own 28mi X 28mi of land. About the size of NYC and LA combined if I'm doing this right.
That lot of fucking land. These fucks should be strung up.
I might be wrong but I think 28x28 is 16x(7x7) instead of 4x. It should be 7x7x4 instead of (7x4)x(7x4)
7x7 is 48 square miles, and four times that is about 200 square miles (520 sq km). But the area would be 14x14 miles.
I know it’s important to know this information, but it makes me so angry, then feel so helpless when I learn it. Literally nothing I can do about this.
Eat. The. Rich. Now.
Second-thought is what a tankie on YouTube looks like haha