Looks more like a .midi file.
These chaps are really playing a game of cheap Jacks with the bossman, and should really shape-up, or be shipped out to Timbuktu on a slow boat! The insubordination really is that priceless... And I know a thing or two about keeping a job, or my name isn't Rin Tin Tin!
A real dogsbody you know what I mean. Well I never, the nerve! Talk about all jacks and no aces, what a lark, what a card. I'll be, I'll tell you! That'll be the day!
DOGE is going to save so much money by not switching that level ... although some red folks, and some blue folks are going to do some ~~suffering~~ dying for the efficiency gains.
Oh yeah, Australia is an authoritarian state due to... COVID laws right? Is that what you're referring to?
COVID death camps?... Or something?
Excellent painting skills, glad you're having fun.
The next step might be to prevent that roughness on your canvas by doing extra undercoat work (so it's smooth), OR painting on board/panel.
Does the last laugh mean, staying on those shitty platforms that are now (in your scenario) also using AI against them?
I don't think that's a good outcome. They're platforms you want to be disconnected and pushed out of.
Staying on them isn't a win in my books.
The generation after millennials have been taught to prolifically self-censor by social media platforms.
You'll use whatever Vlad tells Trump to tell you to use.
Next year: pre-emptive handcuffs before you enter the store.
Nah, they're expropriating government funds and have destroyed any capacity to track the money.
If it's not a full and permanent take over then it's a crash the market and buy everything up with stolen money scam.
One of the two.
But this may end up functionally indistinguishable from the collapse of America.
Frank is both.