Either fake polls, or these people are absolutely fucking insane.
These judges better laugh these assclowns out of court and refer them to the Bar Association for disbarring. Not just unethical, outright fucking corrupt.
It's overpowered for just simple network services, and underpowered for gaming. GPU lost driver support a many releases back as well.
CPU will draw a lot of energy just sitting idle, so if you don't have something solid to throw at it, just leave it.
Could be used for something like a Batocera console I guess, but I wouldn't leave it running 24/7.
If you want a smoky chili, use smoked chilies, or smoke some protein on the grill with wood chips. Don't add this disgusting stuff.
Don't engage them. There you go. Stopped.
Well, you keep coming around a doomsaying this over and over and claiming that everyone is ignoring court orders, but they aren't. Workers are getting reinstated, money is getting to where it needs to go, and laws aren't changing. There are certain people that are in positions that can do nothing but wait for the judiciary, and they're moving the process along.
You let us all know when you start doing what needs to be done though, because you're just on here every day as far as I can tell. Some of us are participating in "the system" as best we can.
100% another fucking bullshit move to help grift more money. I guarantee a few things will happen:
- Suddenly all bands will be wildly more "useful" and "valued" at exorbitant prices which will then be used to extort money from terrestrial broadcasters and wireless carriers (guarantee Musk was involved in this)
- This will somehow play into the authoritarian moves to try and justify pulling broadcast licenses from unfriendly broadcasters (they've threatened this before and it's not currently possible)
- The free spectrums that currently exist will no longer be free. This is an attempt to squash HAM operators, S2T gateways, and more emergent use of of free spectrums for long range communications (Lora et al in the Sub-1G spectrum)
They're trying to squash a free press and a militaristic uprising I bet. There's a lot more insidious bullshit happening here than people may realize.
I've been out of the browser world for a bit and haven't tried flow of servo yet. Gonna hop on that today.
What exactly is the satellite device? Try switching the "Finished Speaking Detection" to relaxed.
This is great news. There are three judges currently embroiled in this, and I hope they throw the fucking book at the defense lawyers and anyone else who told them to lie about this. Prolonged contempt at a minimum, but let the lawsuits fly against these pieces of shit and Musk for sure.
Did they though?