
joined 11 months ago
[–] just_another_person 3 points 1 hour ago

Are you able to see the boot log while it's booting? Hit escape if not, and see where it's getting stuck.

[–] just_another_person 54 points 7 hours ago (19 children)

I'm shocked they sold that many

[–] just_another_person 7 points 17 hours ago
[–] just_another_person 10 points 1 day ago

So that means they have optics...

[–] just_another_person -3 points 1 day ago

Not touching this.

[–] just_another_person 5 points 1 day ago

I just absolutely LOVE how you can cut and paste to comment me out of context. Master work there. You should have a YouTube channel!

[–] just_another_person -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They haven't widely released the chip yet, but they made a lot of public claims during trade shows, which I'm sure you can find.

[–] just_another_person 10 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Have you checked the average cost of general healthcare or maintenance medicine under Democrats vs Republicans ever? More specifically, have you seen how affordable things are now vs four years ago for large portions of the populace in the US?

[–] just_another_person 4 points 1 day ago

Eyes and brains?

[–] just_another_person 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Do you have money to replace everything plugged into those outlets, and sufficient home insurance that also ignores such things? Then, no, I guess.

Just take an hour and make a ground yourself. It doesn't take a lot of specialized knowledge to do so.

Edit to say, I'm pretty sure any surge protector worth itself has a ground output on it already. Just run a wire from it into the literal ground if possible, or over to a place in your home that is properly grounded. You're just trying to give something like a lightning strike a path of least resistance to discharge into. Any metal conduit in your home SHOULD be grounded, so that's an easy option.


A lot of people here seemed excited for these chips. It'll be very interesting to see the gaming performance as this could bring in an entire new segment of portable devices running Linux if powerful enough to deliver solid battery life and CPU performance.


Overall, probably a positive thing as the improvements made here will flow downstream. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the performance of these new Qualcomm chips in laptops.


Let me just give the simplest explanation of my intended outcome here: I want to use Assist to speak "Play {Album} by {Artist} in {Room name}", and have it "just work".

The Speech to text triggers aren't an issue, but the Intents are. Checking the built-in Intents has been of no use. The custom sentence docs only really handle the first part of the equation.

So say I want to work this out with a local NAS mount where everything is categorized as Artist/Album in the directory structure, does anyone have any pointers or links that may be helpful?


Tldr; Have tested multiple different Ryzen 7000 configurations on various kernels, and the power draw just seems really bad.

Been looking for a decent new laptop workstation that fits various tasks. Phoenix chips check a lot of the boxes that I want, but the power draw on Linux for these chips seems a bit...crazy.

The product docs say these chips are 35W-45W, but I figured that was just the range of maximums. What I'm seeing on fresh installs of various Debian variants is a CONSTANT power draw of at least 35W on the low end at all times. I've stepped kernel point releases from 6.0 to 6.6 to test out, and the later versions are definitely better at using a bit less power thanks to the amd_pstate_epp being included directly in the kernel, but this power draw is still there for the CPU package on idle.

A few different laptop models I've tested will only get 90 mins on battery because of this. I've now tried four different models from three different manufacturers, and all show the same type of power draw.

Is this just a "thing" with these chips? I understand they were modified from desktop to be a more mobile platform, but this is just terrible from an end-user perspective. I want the CPU and iGPU, and hell, even the FPGA XDNA thingie, but not when the machine can't run off of AC.

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