
joined 1 year ago
[–] just_another_person 7 points 2 hours ago

He was never an actual billionaire lol

[–] just_another_person 0 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

That's not what the original comment references though

[–] just_another_person -1 points 2 hours ago (3 children)

No. 2FA as a functional protocol requires internet. No way around that considering the secured source needs to send updates to the app you referenced down to subsecond.

Maybe you're thinking of TOTP which does have a very small window where offline keys could work?


Old article, but think it bears repeating. If anyone reading is still confused about the contrast between these two candidates, go and spend 5 minutes reading the comments on patriots.win

The gap of mental states between parties is unfathomable.

[–] just_another_person 37 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Both fat old bitches trying to cling to power to keep their asses out of jail.

[–] just_another_person 5 points 3 hours ago

Unraid or Truenas for open-ish thing.

Synology for paid products.

[–] just_another_person -1 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

Not trying to be nitpicky, but 2FA only works over internet. Separating these two things has nothing to do with connectivity. Splitting them just give you security through obscurity in most cases because if something like bitwarden were to be compromised, there is almost certainly an overlap that could somehow get you access to other services protected by 2FA.

[–] just_another_person 7 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Nobody counts but him and his lifestyle, apparently. If you're not doing what he's doing, go fuck yourself.

I honestly just think he realized too late that he got suckered into a lifestyle he just fucking hates, so his jealousy turns to people living the life he wants, so he's out to make them as miserable as he is.

[–] just_another_person 69 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Is this piece of shit STILL not in jail?



[–] just_another_person 17 points 4 hours ago

They really want that "trickle down" to work. Remember, Putin is still holding Trump's piss tapes. They're all absolutely fascinated by pissing on people.

[–] just_another_person 20 points 4 hours ago (7 children)

What in the fuck is with this guy? He's got some kink towards punishing people without kids, or what?

[–] just_another_person 1 points 10 hours ago

You have a lot of options: https://docs.docker.com/network/drivers/

What's specifically the issue with the host driver in this case?

[–] just_another_person 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Ha!! I just responded and figured this was the case. Nice job!

Hopefully this gets indexed and helps somebody else in the future.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by just_another_person to c/politics

This woman IS deranged. It's hilarious that she's demanding a timetable for anything from anyone and assuming she is a person of any consequence.

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