I'm trying to normalize fist bump again like in the pandemic.
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Is this what passes for mind-blowing deep thought nowadays?
Every single hand I've ever shaken has been inside a woman's womb too. So what.
Well said
Dude, is a firm, manly handshake gay?
Aw yeah you wanna bring your palm skin on my palm skin and make em kiss? Aw yeah rub rub rub lift up and down rub rub rub
And if it’s a man’s hand, it’s likely unwashed.
I bounce between arguing that this is a lie, to ugh you're right.
Was at a bar bathroom and went to the toilet. Watched THREE SEPARATE GUYS take a piss and leave.
As a young lad, frolicking on the green fields of farmers, a lot of different kinds of shit have passed through my hands.
I often think of those times when shaking the hands of people I dislike.
Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?
Every people you ever been has wiped their ass.
I would hope so. I'd hate being next to someone who hasn't wiped their ass