Cancerous cunt trying to stay relevant. And the media keeps feeding her by publishing this shit.
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Rule #1: Don't feed the trolls.
A rule it seems all of society has forgotten... As feeding the trolls drive engagement I guess.
The media only cares about getting more eyes on advertisements.
Media isnt bad. Axios's writeup says it much better than I could:
But they are trapped in a worsening information environment, and (like the article points out) many are too self important or trendy.
Sure, they aren’t inherently evil but their number one goal is to make money.
Many "oldschool" outlets and startups like Axios are relatively idealistic, though of course they want to make money and make a living.
What I'm trying to get at is that blanket demonizing all "media" like far right does is just going to bury the few earnest outlets left. More precise language (eg media conglomerates) is more accurate.
Rule #2: There's no such thing as bad publicity.
russian asset backs russia, got it.
Just because he’s hot and funny, doesn’t make him gay.
Yeah but why does anybody care what she thinks?
I care what she thinks because her party has all the control right now, and so her thoughts and words have consequences 🙃
I sure hope nobody stuffs her in a trebuchet to the sun.
Might have better luck strapping her to a manhole cover.
I agree. That wouldn't be nearly painful enough.
Man with wife and a kid has sexuality forced upon him by talking head would be a better title
Cancer Owens should shut the fuck up.
She should do a speaking tour about it in Australia or New Zeland.
Wait, what? Why?! We don't want that shit here, Australia has enough right wing nut jobs in positions in power. We don't need even nuttier arseholes coming in, you keep her and deal with your own nonsense.
I'm taunting her for failing to secure a visa for either country.
Excellent, taunt away!
Good ol' Clandace...seems her default is to call anyone she doesn't like gay. I guess she never made it out of elementary school.
Remember, everything is projection with these people. MTG must have refused her advances, because... Reasons.
god. for all our sakes, i hope candice owens isn’t actually “influencing” anything
what a waste of a piece of skin
This cunt needs to die of cancer.
It's just surprising that she didn't call him a k***.
Suck on a tailpipe