Yeah. Wrestlers are known for having terrible balance and base.
I'm using Proton myself and plan to leave with a scorched earth mentality on it.
Simply put, America is sliding into fascism at lightning speed. Their president is attempting erasure of whole classes of people, and is openly discussing crimes against humanity as plans.
Who gives a fuck about an appointee?
The Optics are Andy Yen throwing praise and bending the knee.
Also regarding his carefully worded back pedaling:
It's Republicans and Democrats, not Dems.
I'd tell him to go fuck himself to his face, but will settle for not funding him.
No way.
Two in the thoughts, one in the prayers.
Thinning the herd.
Trump is an absolute cunt.
Invest in anything related to cavity filling and tooth extraction.
Reality gives no fucks about incorrect opinions.
I wonder if Andy was watching fuckface destroy Unity, and just thought to himself, What could I say or do to aggressively power-fuck the Proton brand?
Now Donald Trump will handle things. Surely, the plight of Palestinians will improve, now that the nasty democrats have been punished.
A bold statement to make in a country that produces more Disgruntled Employee incidents per capita than any other place on earth.