“Surely not!” And then with a heavy sigh, I remembered Baltimore.
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Originally r/DataisBeautiful
Why is Mississipi not first on this list too? Louisiana seems off the charts. Any explanation for that?
What's the reason for excluding so many european countries in this graphic?
It looks like their source was the Eurostat Data Browser. Maybe these are just the countries it has data for?
As with all EU policy, the purpose is to make the USA look bad. This is the only reason Russia is not even in the EFTA or the EU.
I have insider information that powers are play are trying to engineer a way to kick out Latvia to make the statistics more embarrassing to you.
PS: UK 1.48, Switserland Not a country, Russia 6.8, Belarus 2.32, Ukraine 3.84 pre-war, Moldavia 2.27 USA 6.38
I don't think adding Russia will make the difference you think it will, since it's barely more violent than the US.
The UK would be 1.00 on this chart - source
I used wikipedia's data that is sourced from UNODC and is apparently for 2021. For states the size of the UK it doesn't really matter, fluctuations are small. Any given year the US will have ~6 times the homicide rate of the UK.
Whenever you see a map with data about most European countries but not the UK, it's probably Eurostat. After Brexit they stopped sharing their data.
so many
Two countries are being left out. Is two a high number to you?
Alabama: "We aren't Mississippi!"
Guess they can include a few others too.
Just want to point out the graph maxes out at 12.5 out of 100,000. That’s 0.01% of 100000. With Louisiana’s population of 4.57million, it comes out to 571 people in 2020. Feels pretty low.
Hmm Mord means murder though, not homicide, that would be Totschlag. Also there is a note in the sidebox that the graphs include attempted murders.
I didn't expect my state to be in 2nd place. I guess I should keep staying away from st Louis and KC. And Jeff city. And probably springfield.
Hmm. Pennsylvania. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Philly.
Damn, Latvia
If you can make it here you ca…. Oh someone killed you…
If I can make it here I ca…
Hey he may have died but at least Candlejack didn't get him. OH NO! Now he's gonna get m-
Whoo!! Better than Latvia!