Eddie Murphy, featuring...Eddie Murphy.
I think if you would re-watch it now, you'd think to yourself "yeah, thinking it was only a year or two was just silly"
Are we just making up TIL's, now? There was never an exact number in mind or set when the movie was made. Just "long".
I think most people who watched the movie a time or two (or twenty) already knew it was many years that had gone by. What time frame were you imagining? Like 6 months or something?
The biggest joke is that she wasn't in a plane.
I'd quit too. America was too stupid to not vote trump in again, so why the hell martyr yourself for half a country of clowns when it gains you nothing?
That doesn't answer the question I had. Whenever prices of expensive things get subsidized, it makes the prices go up. Prices are based on how much a company thinks it can get for something from the people buying. If a car is selling for $40k and then it gets subsidized to give a buyer $20k off, that car quickly turns into a $55k car and the company just profits more.
Yep. My other major folly is that I have just shy of 2 bitcoins from like 2011 but my wallet file is corrupted and I've never been able to un-fuck it.
I wished I had my $20 worth of doge I got in 2014. I didn't like it cluttering up my portfolio so I got rid of it for like $23. It'd be worth around $12,000 today.
If you were making this, it'd be dumb to grade your own work like that.