Ugh. I'm trying to move less!
Now I want to make a yeti costume. However, I'm not sure it would be that scary.
I think I'm down to 2 hours and 12 years, 9 months.
Assuming it's still possible to retire by then.
Perhaps. If the purpose of making the movie is just to make Vin Diesel happy, then they shouldn't make the movie.
As I understand it, Groot has complete and complex thoughts and emotions but only three words with which to express them.
I can imagine a movie in which we're hearing his thoughts rather than his words. It could be interesting, particularly if another actor voices his thoughts.
Do you just expect people to have molotov cocktails on themselves and ready to go at all times?
Might be a good idea.
I think you misunderstood. He wasn't defending the January 6th terrorists, he was defending the FBI agents who were investigating them.
That one penguin, turning the corner and stopping. You could almost hear him saying, "Christ, there's more", while looking around for an elevator.
It seems more likely now that the US will release them.
I've never worked for a for-profit company since I graduated college. There is variation in non-profit employers, but there are some that are great places to work.
I got a job at a university after graduation (different university than where I got my degree), and I worked there in different departments until I took a job in the university hospital. I've worked here for more than 25 years.
The pay tends to be a bit lower than what you'd get at a for-profit company, but not as bad as some would lead you to believe. I've been able to buy a home, raise a family, and live fairly comfortably.
The benefits are very good. There's a strong focus on education and growth, and work-life balance isn't just a lie they tell people in the interview.
Obedience and conformity.
Same as always.